Civil War Timeline

  • Compromise of 1850

    This compromise prevented the union from splitting apart.
  • Fugitive slave act

    This act strengthened an earlier fugitive slave act, the earlier one was passed in 1793
  • The Kansas-Nebraska act

    Douglas says that this act would "impart peace to the country and the union."
  • Dred Scott decision

    This decision was that he was not given a court right even though he was in a non-slave state and he was inslaved
  • Lincoln and Douglas' intense arguments

    Douglas attacked Lincoln saying that he supported racial equality, which was unpopular even in the north.
  • John Brown's revolt

    He led four of his sons and several other men to a proslavery settlement, there they killed 5 proslavery people.
  • Democrats nominated John Breckenridge and Stephon Douglas

    Both of these people were nominated because of the Northern and Southern democrats.
  • Population

    The North had a population of about 18.5 million people, of which about 3.8 million free men were of military age
  • South Carolina's succession

    South Carolina was the first state to succeed after receiving the votes
  • Crittenden Plan

    The federal government would have no power to abolish slavery in the states where it already existed
  • Lincoln decided to send Union forces to seize Richmond

    Lincoln first ordered General Irvin McDowell to attack the Confederate forces in Manassas
  • The Nursing Effort

    Dix led volunteer nurses in a march on Washington
  • Blocking the Ports

    His plan called for blocking Confederate ports along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts with Union warships
  • Union troops are forced to evacuate

    If the forces did not do these things the Confederate forces would take the stronghold by force
  • Second Battle of the Bull Run

    After driving General George McClellan and his troops back to Washington, D.C., General Robert E. Lee marched his men northward to battle again at Bull Run outside Manassas, Virginia
  • Legal Tender Act

    An act that replaced currencies of individual banks with one national currency
  • Union and Confederate forces clashed

    The region had some of the Confederacy’s most important assets, including New Orleans,
  • Homestead Act

    Set in motion a program of public land grants to small farmers. It provided that any adult citizen who headed a family could qualify for a grant of 160 acres of public land by paying a small registration fee and living on the land continuously for five years.
  • Antietam

    referred only to a creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland, but by sunset this day Antietam would become the name of one of the bloodiest battles ever fought on American soil
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The final draft of the proclamation allowed the Union to accept freed slaves into its fighting forces
  • Jones County Scouts

    Other deserting soldiers and escaped slaves joined him, and by late 1863 is what made up this group
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Approximately 90,000 for the Union and about 75,000 for the Confederates
  • Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln referred to the Declaration of Independence directly and to its ideas. His address reinforced the Declaration’s principles of equality and freedom for which the war was fought and for which so many died, and were still dying
  • The Victor of Vicksburg

    President Lincoln named Ulysses S. Grant, the victor of Vicksburg, as commanding general of the Union Army
  • Low Wages

    African-American soldiers received lower wages than most white soldiers until June 1864,
  • Elmira Prison Camp

    Even though it was set up for 6,000 men, more than 10,000 arrived
  • Lincolns speech

    Lincoln did not speak of happiness, nor did he gloat about the South’s impending defeat. Instead, he spoke about his sadness over the loss of life during the war
  • Freedoms Bureau

    This helped the formerly enslaved just as much as white southerners
  • Meeting with Lincoln

    Alexander Stephens goal was to negotiate peace and bring the war to an end
  • Lincoln's death

    He was assented by John Wilkes Booth and was buried on May 4, 1865
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    The bill granted full equality and citizenship to all races
  • Klu Klux Klan

    This was the changing of ideas in these types of peoples minds