Battle of Fort Sumter
-April 12, 1861- April 14, 1861
-General P.G.T Beauregaurd- Union and General Robert Anderson- Confederate
- Charlestown harbor, South Carolina
-80 Union soldiers/ 500 confederate soldiers (no soldiers were killed)
Confederate had little food, and exploding shells
Union had first shot, and conserved ammunition
Confederate Victory -
Battle of Antietam
-September 16, 1861- September 18, 1861
-general George B McClellen- Union and general Robert E Lee- confederate
-Washington county, Maryland
-87,000 union soldiers/ 45,000 confederate soldiers
Confederate outnumbered 1 to 2. They had defense
Union set in less then 3/4 of the federal force. They held their ground. Confederate Victory -
Battle of Bull Run (Mannassas)
-July 21, 1861- July 22, 1861
-general Irvin Mcdougal-Union/ general Joseph E Bearegaurd- confederate
- Virginia (miles away from Washington D.C)
-25,450 union soldiers and 32,230 confederate soldiers
Confederate had lack of communication, coordination, and forces in the west. They used distraction
Union had high ground, and an overly complex plan. They didn't back down.
Confederate Victory -
Monitor vs. Marrimac/ Hampton Roads
- March 8, 1862- March 9 1862 -general John L. Worden- Union and General Franklin Buchmann- confederate.
- Hampton Roads, Virginia/ seas off of Virginia
- 1,400 union soldiers/ 188 confederate soldiers
- confederate surrendered then the confederate general was shot and wounded. -Union pilot temporary blinded.
Battle of Fredsrickburg
-December 11 1862- December 18, 1862
-general Ambrose B. Burnside- Union and general Robert E Lee- confederate
- Frederickburg, Virginia
- 100,007 union soldiers/ 72,497 confederate soldiers
- first urban combat to Union, deadliest of any battle
- Union had stored amunnition. Confederate Victory -
Battle of Vicksburg
- may 18, 1863-July 4, 1863
- general Ulysses S. Grant - Union and general John C Pemperton -Warren County, Virginia
- 77,000 union soldiers / 33,000
- Confederate surrendered
- Union gained Mississippi River. Union tried sneak attacks.
Battle of Gettysburg
- July 1, 1863- July 3, 1863 -general George G Meade-Union general Robert E Lee- confederate -Adams county, Pennsylvania -93,921 union soldiers/ 71,699 confederate soldiers Confederate collected supplies from Pennsylvania. They threatened the north. Union lost commander 3 days before battle. Slowed the confederate advance Union Victory
Sherman's March To The Sea
- November 15, 1864- December 21, 1864
- general William Tecumseh Sherman- Union and general Joeseph Jonston- confederate
- Georgia
- 62,000 union soldiers/ I could not find the confederate soldier count
- Union used psychological tactics.
- confederate had big supply of food, clothing, ect.