Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter is the spot where the first shots of the civil war were fired. Militia commander Pierre Beaureguard commanded that Abner Doubleday surrender the fort so that they can have it. When a ship came to deliver supplies, the militia fired at it forcing it back to sea. The militia eventually used their cannons and broke through the forts walls, forcing the Americans to surrender. No one died at this battle, which made it a very strange one. -
The First battle of Bull Run
At the first battle of Bull Run, Lincoln ordered Irvin Mcdowell, even though his men were not prepared for this at all. Nonetheless Lincoln wanted this offensive extremely bad. The union struck on July catching Beauregard off guard. The Confederates pushed them back very and were able to win this battle, but they did not pursue the retreating men. 3,000 casualties for the North, and 1750 for the South. After the battle, Mcdowell was removed from commmand. -
Yet another union general, Don Carlos Buell marched 58000 men against general Bragg and was able to push the confederates back. Buell did not pursue them because he did not want to lose any more troops as he had over 4000 casualties already. Bragg lost about 3500 of his men that day in perryville Kansas. -
In Southern Tennessee, Ulysses S. Grant led a surprise attack against the confederacy. The Confederacy drove them back, but Grant was able to counterattack on them. 13000 troops died for the Union under Grant, and 10,000 died for the confederacy. -
Cold Harbor
At Cold Harbor, which is North East of virginia, Robert E. Lee was fighting against George Mclellan in a battle that was divided into two battles. At the first Lee won and it was his first major victory. There were about 8000 casualties of his 65,000 troops. In the second battle which was two years later, Lee and Grant collided at Bethesda Church. The union led a nine month siege on Petersburg after that and faced 13000 casualties. The Confederates faced 2500. -
Battle of Antietam
The battle began at dawn on a foggy day. Lee's troops were very hungry and tired, and a very large amount of the troops were extremely tired. The battle was extremely deadly with over 15000 casualties in only 8 hours. Robert E. Lee fought against George Mclellan and in the end of the battle, 3650 were estimated dead, and many considered the battle to be a tie, but the Union still claimed the victory that day in Maryland. -
Battle of Fredericksburg
At this battle, Lincoln had given the title of commander to Ambrose Burnside. Burnside crossed a river with 120000 troops and ordered his right side to attack lee's left. However, the leader of the right side, Franklin failed to send enough troops forward and was counterattacked. The union suffered 13,000 while the confederates only counted 5,000. It was a crushing defeat for the Union, as the troops fought well but were completely mismanaged. Confederate Morale was boosted after this. -
Ulysses S. Grant failed the first time he tried to take Vicksburg in the spring. However this time he led a very successful siege, and dug 15 miles of trenches with his army. Pemberton, the leader of the troops there surrendered on July 4th and Abraham Lincoln was pleased. -
Gettysburg- picketts charge- little round top
This is considered the most important engagement of the civil war. Robert Lee marched his forces on virginia and was going into Pennsylvania. He ordered an attack on the center of the Union known as Picketts charge. However, Lee lost and was forced to withdraw the next day. A union army met Stonewall Jackson at a spot known as Little Round Top. -
The battle of Chancellorsville Virginia was a considered Lee's greatest victory. The enemy was twice his size, and he split his troops into two confronting union general Joseph Hooker. Hooker set up defenses to early and Stonewall Jackson and Lee were able to flank him and take the battle for the Confederates. -
Battle of the Wilderness
Abraham Lincoln had freshly made Ulysses S. Grant commander in chief of all Union Armies. Grant began to plan an offensive against Richmond. He wanted to attack Robert E. Lee's army of Northern Virginia. The first battle was when Confederate Corps led by Ewell, attacked the 5th Union corps. The next day the 2nd Union Corps attacked the confederacy. Grant lost many troops but would not retreat. 17500 casualties for the Union and 10000 Confederate troops. -
Shermans March
For over a month, Union General William Sherman led a march that was almost 300 mile march with 60000 soldiers. They captured Atlanta and then went on a destruction spree. His whole war in Georgia was very destructive and damaged the confederacy, not allowing them to fight at their full capacity. -
Appomatox Courthouse
At the courthouse, Robert E. Lee surrendered his to Grant. This was after Lee abandoned the capital of Richmond, his men were starving and he said he would rather die a thousand deaths than meet with Lee, but he did anyway. He did not want his men to starve and die, and part of the terms of surrender would be Union Rations for the men.