Reconstruction timeline

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    3 important facts

    1. During the reconstuudtion period, people called the radical republicans took control of congress.
    2. Andrew Johnson was the first president to be impeached (1868)
    3. The South opposed the reconstruction as they wanted slavery and inequality to exist.
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    freedmen's bureau

    The freedmen's bureau greatly impacted the African American community by feeding millions of them, building hospitals, helped locate lost relatives, and more.
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    Lincolns assassination

    The assassination of Lincoln caused the government to apply a code of conduct to African Americans called the black codes.
  • Passage of the 14th amendment

    Passage of the 14th amendment
    This gave black people equal protection of laws.
  • The election of Grant to the Presidency

    The election of Grant to the Presidency
    President Ulysses S. Grant fought to protect freed slaves.
  • Passage of the 15th Amendment

    Passage of the 15th Amendment
    This allowed african american men to vote.
  • The election of Hayes to the Presidency

    The election of Hayes to the Presidency
    President Rutherford B. Hayes led the country to the end of reconstruction.
  • Passage of the 1886 Civil Rights Act

    Passage of the 1886 Civil Rights Act
    This act made all people born in the US citizens reguardless of race and color.