
Civil War Timeline

By rowan
  • 1st Bull Run

    1st Bull Run
    Location: Prince William County, Virginia
    Result: confederate victory
    Who: Thomas J. Jackson
    What: First sizable engagement of the war. Confederates routed the North. Northern civilians who rode out to see the battle fled to Washington with Union troops.
    So what: Battle legitimized the war, it showed the Union the will of the Confederacy. During this battle that Confederate General Jackson earned his name, “Stonewall”
  • Wilson’s Creek

    Wilson’s Creek
    Location: Greene County & Christian County, MI
    Result: Confed. victory
    Who: Nathaniel Lyon, Sterling Price, Benjamin McCulloch, Samuel Sturgis
    What: Lyon was against two rebel forces (Price and McCulloch) who had army twice that of Lyon’s, but poorly prepared. Lyon surprised Confeds at Wilson’s Creek. The Confederates pushed back and won. Yankees retreated to Springfield.
    So What: 1st major battle west of Mississippi River during the war, Southwestern MI secured for Confederates.
  • Period: to

    Fort Donelson

    Location:Fort Donelson
    Result: Union Victory
    Who:Ulysses Grant
    What: Confederate fort on the Tennessee River. They were taken by Ulysses Grant. The capture of these forts also guaranteed Union control of Kentucky, which was wavering between the Union and Confederacy
    So What: When Grant captured this Fort he gained more respect and his reputation and an important general was further elevated. Control of Kentucky also allowed the Union to expand its control and influence.
  • Period: to


    Location: Hardin County, TN
    Result: union victory
    Who:Ulysses S. Grant, Albert Johnston,
    What:Union troops camped along TN river for reinforcements. Confed. surprise attack on the Union drove them back. They backed into “Hornet’s Nest” Union held position. Johnston killed. Union soldiers showed up that night so Union counter-attacked.
    So What:first major battle in war western theatre, showed that Grant was willing to give anything including many men in order to win, great cost in men
  • Period: to

    New Orleans

    Date: Apr 25, 1862 – May 1, 1862
    Location: Chalmette, LA
    Result: union victory
    Who: Admiral David Farragut
    What: Confed. military planned for the Union attack from down the Mississippi, but they attacked from the Gulf of Mexico. 8 rebel gunboats were sent up river to stop the Union which left little defense at New Orleans. Farragut led the Union past the 2 most dangerous forts. Unions sunk Confederate boats
    So What: Union troops took New Orleans, gaining a very important port.
  • Donaldsonville

    Location: Ascension Parish, Louisiana
    Result: union victory
    Who: Maj. Joseph D. Bullen, Brig. Gen. Tom Green
    What: Sequence of maneuvers, Confederates surrounded Union fort at night, but a ditch blocked them from doing too much damage, Union soldiers on Mississippi came to help.
    So What: Cemented Union control of Mississippi, which was incredibly important to control of trade and resources.
  • Period: to

    2nd Bull Run

    Location: Prince William County, Virginia
    Result: confederate victory
    Who: Robert E. Lee and John Pope
    What: Fought on almost the same field as the first battle of Bull Run, victory for the South. Robert E. Lee proved he was a great general. The Union commander, John Pope, was defeated
    So What: Lee proved he was a brilliant general, and set in motion his plan for other battles, like Antinam. John Pope was relieved of his position as this battle.
  • Period: to


    Date: Aug 29, 1862- Aug 30, 1862
    Location: Madison County, KY
    Result: confed. victory
    Who: William “Bull” Nelson, Edmund Kirby Smith
    What: Union troops from Louisville were inexperienced, the Confederates were experienced in battle and with each other. Confederates were prepared, it was an easy battle for them. Confederates took Frankfort and Lexington. 2nd Bull Run happened on the same day.
    So What: First major battle in the Kentucky Campaign, main defensive line now Ohio river
  • Antietam

    Location: Sharpsburg, MD
    Result: inconclusive
    Who: Major General George B. McClellan vs. Robert E. Lee
    What: It was Lee’s first northern invasion, l Maclellan failed to pursue Lee after the battle, Maclellan found a copy of Lee’s marching orders allowing him to take out much of Lee’s army, Lee still out strategized.
    So What: The result of the Battle finalized debates in Britain about recognition of the Confederacy. Word of Lee’s retreated reached them it canceled the discussion.
  • Period: to


    Location: Fredericksburg, Virginia
    Result: Confederate victory
    Who: Ambrose Burnside, Robert E. Lee
    What: Union general Ambrose Burnside attacked an entrenched enemy with a frontal assault. Lee was dug in at the top of a hill called Marye’s Heights and he was able to repel 14 Union assaults. Soldiers were not able to help their fallen comrades
    So What: Incredible Union casualties compared to the confederate side. Proved that a frontal assault on entrenched soldiers would not work.
  • Period: to


    Date:Apr 30, 1863- May 6, 1863
    Location: Spotsylvania County, Virginia
    Result: confederate victory
    Result: confederate victory
    Who: JOseph Hooker and RObert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson
    What: Hooker was outmaneuvered by Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Stonewall Jackson was accidentally shot by his own troops. He died a week later.
    So What: One of the most prominent victories of the South despite Jackson’s fate, gave confidence to the Confederacy.
  • Period: to


    Location: Warren County, Mississippi
    Result: Union victory
    Who: Ulysses S Grant, John Pemberton
    What: Grant tries many strategies that kept failing, finally decided to send troops in the middle of the night down river. Almost everyone got through safely so Grant could attack from the south which was easiest point to attack Vicksburg. Held the rebel forces under siege for 6 weeks while they starved which forced surrender.
    So What: Grant finally takes hold over the Mississippi River.
  • Period: to


    Location: Gettysburg, PA
    Result: Union victory
    Location: Gettysburg, PA
    Result: UNion victory
    Who: Andrew Jackson, Robert E Lee, Major Hooker
    What: The most violent battles of the Civil War. Lee led his soldiers to the Shenandoah Valley, many attacks were made by the Confederates but the UNion had a good defensive and was able to repulse the attacks and gain a victory.
    So What: Turning point of the war, the Union bagan to gain ground on the Confederate soldiers.
  • Fort Wagner

    Fort Wagner
    Location: Fort Wagner, Charleston, SC
    Result: Confederate Victory
    Who: Brig. General. Quincy Gillmore, Robert Gould Shaw
    What: Important part of confederate defense, 54th Massachusetts Infantry, an african american infantry captured weapons. Robert Gould Shaw was killed, and Confeds, abandoned the fort after they withstood 60 days of shelling.
    So What: This battle was a prominent one for African American soldiers and showed that they could fight just as well and white soldiers.
  • Period: to


    Date: Nov. 23- Nov 25, 1863
    Location: Chattanooga, TN
    Result: Union victory
    Who: Ulysses Grant, Braxton Bragg, General Sherman
    What: A series of maneuvers that opened the way for a attack on Atlanta by General Sherman. This battle was won when Union troops without orders attacked Missionary ridge and swept the Confederates from their positions.
    So What: Broke the siege of the confederates, secured Chanatogga for the Union and allowed Grant to elevate his position.
  • Period: to


    Location: Spotsylvania County and Orange County, VA
    Result: inconclusive
    Who:Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee
    What: Lee was determined that his army would confront the enemy in the Virginia woods. It was familiar terrain for the rebels. The large army couldn’t make advances in the dense forest. It ended with many casualties in two days. Grant wouldn’t retreat and made his troops continue south.
    So What: first stage of a major Union offensive toward the Confederate capital of Richmond
  • Period: to

    Cold Harbor

    Location: Mechanicsville, VA
    Result: confederate victory
    Result: confederate victory
    Who: Ulysses Brant, Robert E Lee
    What: Several battles, Grant’s biggest defeat by Lee. Attacked an entrenched Confederate army. His army was repeatedly repelled by the Confederates with minimal Southern losses.
    So What: Grant showed why frontal assaults would no longer work. Further showed strength of Southern Army
  • Period: to


    Date: Jun 9, 1864- Mar 25, 1865
    Location: Petersburg, VA
    Result:union victory
    Who: Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee.
    What: Began after Grant attacked Petersburg. Grant built trenches around the eastern part of Richmond to the outskirts of Petersburg. The city was a big part of supply of the Confed. army, who ended up retreating from the city, and surrendering at Appomattox Court House.
    So What: An early example of trench warfare that is later used in WWI and Lee and Grant collide for final time.