civil war timeline

  • lincolns elected

    lincolns elected
    Lincoln became the 16th president and he was anti slavery which caused issues in the South.The majority of the Northerners were happy about this decision.
  • South Carolinia secedes

    South Carolinia secedes
    Due to Lincolns election, South Carolina secedes from the North starting the beginning of the Confederacy.
  • Confederacy is formed

    Confederacy is formed
    The confederacy was finally formed after the 7 states seceded from the North.
  • Lincolns first inauguration

    Lincolns first inauguration
    Lincolns first speech to America as president.
  • Attack at Ft. Sumter

    Attack at Ft. Sumter
    Confederate victory . beginning of the American Civil War in Charleston County, South Carolina
  • Battle of Bull Run #1

    Battle of Bull Run #1
    A Confederate victory in Virginia at Fairfax County and Prince William County.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Confederates ambushed the Union and began a 2 day battle near Pittsburgh, the Union won, but it was one of the bloodist battles of the Civil War. website- Cilvil war trust
  • 7 days battle

    7 days battle
    June 25th to July 1st. This battle took place in Virginia. This ended with confederate victory
  • Battle of Bull Run #2

    Battle of Bull Run #2
    Another Confederate victory this second battle also took place in Virginia at Prince William County. This battle lasted from the 28th-30th
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    A Union victory took place in Washington County, near Sharpsburg, Maryland.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    A week long battle from Dec 11-15 ending with a confederate victory fought in Virginia. Lee's army could not stop Confederates from crossing into the city.
  • The Battle Of Stones River

    The Battle Of Stones River
    This battle was fought in Tenneesee, the Union won.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    A speech by Lincoln, where he proclaimed that slavery will not expand, but states that were already slave states could remain.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville.

    Battle of Chancellorsville.
    This battle was fought in Virginia. From April to May, ending with a confederate victory
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    Union victory, a series of events between the union and confederacy that lasted 3 months in the South
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    A 3 day battle, July 1-3 in Pennsylvania. The Union won.
  • Battle of Chickamauga

    Battle of Chickamauga
    A confederate victory that took place in Georgia
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    A speech by President Lincon, lasting about 270 words. It took place at Gettysburg, about four in a half months after the climactic battle
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    A Union victory, lasting 2 days in Hamilton County, Tennessee.
  • Battle of Wilderness

    Battle of Wilderness
    The result of this was was inconclusive. The union offense kept on fighting. This took place in Richmond, Virginia
  • Battle of Spotsylvania

    Battle of Spotsylvania
    This battle was from May 8th to May 21st .The result was a tie between the Union and Confederate
  • Lincoln is reelected

    Lincoln is reelected
    Lincoln wins the vote and is elected to another term.
  • Battle of Franklin

    Battle of Franklin
    Took place in Williamson County, Tennessee, and was a victory for the Union.
  • Sherman's march to sea

    Sherman's march to sea
    A roughly six week event, as Sherman and his soldiers marched from Atlanta to Savannah, to capture the port of Savannah.
  • Lincolns second inauguration

    Lincolns second inauguration
    Lincoln was speaking sadly do to the reconstrustion amd how slavery was wrong
  • Surrender at Appomattox Court

    Surrender at Appomattox Court
    In Virginia of 1865 the South surrendered to Union under Grants supervision.
  • Lincoln is assassinated

    Lincoln is assassinated
    Lincoln is assassinated while watching a play at Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth
  • Civil War 1865

    Civil War 1865
    End of Civil War, with the Union taking over.