Civil War Timeline

  • Abraham Lincoln is elected president

    He recieved 180 of 303 possible electoral votes and 40 percent of the popular vote.
  • South Carolina seceds from the Union

    South Carolina was one of many southern states to seced from the union
  • Confederate States of America was founded

    Jefferson Davis is electeed president
  • Lincoln is sworn in as president

  • First Shots fired: Civil War Begins

    Confederates fire the first shots at Fort Sumter
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Union army suffers a defeat
  • First US income tax

  • BAttle of Manassas Junction

  • Ulysses S grant begins military campaign in mississippi

  • BAttle of Woodburn, Ky

  • McClellen is removed from General in chief

    Lincoln removes him
  • Battle of Yorktown

  • Battle of Fort Pillow

  • Battke at Williamsburg Virginia

  • Stonewall Jackson takes Fort Royal

  • Vicksburg Campaign

  • 1st home under the homestead act

  • JAnuary uprising begins

  • Davis delivers his State of Confederacy address

  • Burnside's mud march

  • 54th Massachusetts regiment formed

    All men of African american descent
  • Arizona Territory created

  • Lincoln approves charter for National Academy of Sciences

  • 1st wartime military cinscription bill enacted

  • Battle of Gettysburg begins

  • Battle of Gettysburg ends

    Confederates suffer a defeat
  • Battle of Cosby Creek

  • BAttle of FAir Gardens

  • Sherman maches through Mississippi

  • Sherman begins to march south

  • First Church for blacks in service

  • Ulysses S. Grant appointed Union commander

  • Ulysses S Grant officially commander of union

  • Sherman advances towards Georgia

  • Robert E. Lee wins his last victory

  • Abraham Lincoln nominated for president

  • Union occupies Fort Anderson

  • Battle of City Point

  • 13th Amendment Passed

    All slaves freed
  • Robert E. Lee named commander in chief of confederate army

  • Battle of Charleston

  • Columbia, South CArolina burns down

  • US Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandonded lands was established

  • Abraham Lincoln inaugurated for second term

  • Lincoln is Assassinated

  • Siege of Richmond, VA

  • The 13 amendment is passed by congress

    Slavery is abolished
  • NYC Metropolitan Board of Health

    The NYC Metropolitan Board of Health was formed by NY Legislature
  • NAtional Soldiers' Homes is authorized

    US Congress authorizes
  • American Equal Rights Association Forms

  • The Nickle was authorized

    Congress authorizes the use of the nickle over the silver half dime
  • 14th amendment

    U.S. House of reps. pass the 14th Amendment, civil rights
  • Ulysses S, Grant named 1st general of army

  • Atlantic telegraph cable was laid successfully

    1686 miles long
  • Jackson formally declares civil war over

  • Frederick Douglass is the 1st Black delegate to a national convention

  • Chicago water supply tunnel is completed

    3227 m in Lake Michigan
  • Peabody fund forms

    Promotes Black education in the south.
  • African American men gain voting rights

    This however, was despite Johnson's veto
  • Department of Education established

    U.S. Congress created the department
  • Property Taxes begin

    Michigan becomes the 1st state to charge property tax
  • Purchase of Alaska was announced

    Andrew Johnson announces his purchase
  • Bank of California

    BAnk of california opens its doors for the first time
  • US occupies Midway Islands

    In the Pacific ocean
  • US takes control of Midway Islands

    after a month of occupying
  • US gains Alaska

    USA buys Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million
  • US annexes first territory outside the continent

    Midway Island was claimed by the US