Abraham Lincoln is elected president
He recieved 180 of 303 possible electoral votes and 40 percent of the popular vote. -
South Carolina seceds from the Union
South Carolina was one of many southern states to seced from the union -
Confederate States of America was founded
Jefferson Davis is electeed president -
Lincoln is sworn in as president
First Shots fired: Civil War Begins
Confederates fire the first shots at Fort Sumter -
Battle of Bull Run
Union army suffers a defeat -
First US income tax
BAttle of Manassas Junction
Ulysses S grant begins military campaign in mississippi
BAttle of Woodburn, Ky
McClellen is removed from General in chief
Lincoln removes him -
Battle of Yorktown
Battle of Fort Pillow
Battke at Williamsburg Virginia
Stonewall Jackson takes Fort Royal
Vicksburg Campaign
1st home under the homestead act
JAnuary uprising begins
Davis delivers his State of Confederacy address
Burnside's mud march
54th Massachusetts regiment formed
All men of African american descent -
Arizona Territory created
Lincoln approves charter for National Academy of Sciences
1st wartime military cinscription bill enacted
Battle of Gettysburg begins
Battle of Gettysburg ends
Confederates suffer a defeat -
Battle of Cosby Creek
BAttle of FAir Gardens
Sherman maches through Mississippi
Sherman begins to march south
First Church for blacks in service
Ulysses S. Grant appointed Union commander
Ulysses S Grant officially commander of union
Sherman advances towards Georgia
Robert E. Lee wins his last victory
Abraham Lincoln nominated for president
Union occupies Fort Anderson
Battle of City Point
13th Amendment Passed
All slaves freed -
Robert E. Lee named commander in chief of confederate army
Battle of Charleston
Columbia, South CArolina burns down
US Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandonded lands was established
Abraham Lincoln inaugurated for second term
Lincoln is Assassinated
Siege of Richmond, VA
The 13 amendment is passed by congress
Slavery is abolished -
NYC Metropolitan Board of Health
The NYC Metropolitan Board of Health was formed by NY Legislature -
NAtional Soldiers' Homes is authorized
US Congress authorizes -
American Equal Rights Association Forms
The Nickle was authorized
Congress authorizes the use of the nickle over the silver half dime -
14th amendment
U.S. House of reps. pass the 14th Amendment, civil rights -
Ulysses S, Grant named 1st general of army
Atlantic telegraph cable was laid successfully
1686 miles long -
Jackson formally declares civil war over
Frederick Douglass is the 1st Black delegate to a national convention
Chicago water supply tunnel is completed
3227 m in Lake Michigan -
Peabody fund forms
Promotes Black education in the south. -
African American men gain voting rights
This however, was despite Johnson's veto -
Department of Education established
U.S. Congress created the department -
Property Taxes begin
Michigan becomes the 1st state to charge property tax -
Purchase of Alaska was announced
Andrew Johnson announces his purchase -
Bank of California
BAnk of california opens its doors for the first time -
US occupies Midway Islands
In the Pacific ocean -
US takes control of Midway Islands
after a month of occupying -
US gains Alaska
USA buys Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million -
US annexes first territory outside the continent
Midway Island was claimed by the US