Civil War Timeline

  • Republican Party is formed

    Republican Party is formed
    The anti-slavery group made the Republican Party.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act passed

    Kansas-Nebraska Act passed
    Allowed settlers in Kansas and Nebraska to vote if slavery would be allowed or not.
  • Abraham Lincoln elected president

    Abraham Lincoln elected president
    Lincoln was elected president, running in the Republican party. He won with 180 electoral votes.
  • South Carolina votes to secede from the United States

    South Carolina votes to secede from the United States
    South Carolina held a secession convention in Charleston to depart from the United States. The debate was quick and short, South Carolina remained in the Union.
  • Lincoln suspends habeas corpus

    Lincoln suspends habeas corpus
    Under this order, commanders could arrest and detain individuals who were deemed threatening to military operations.
  • Lincoln gives his second inaugural address

    Lincoln gives his second inaugural address
    During his second inaugural address, Lincoln called out slavery, saying it was the reason for the war.
  • Confederate forces fire on Fort Sumter

    Confederate forces fire on Fort Sumter
    The bombardment of Fort Sumter near Charleston. Began the Civil War.
  • Richmond becomes the capital of the Confederacy

    Richmond becomes the capital of the Confederacy
    Once Virginia seceded, the Confederate government moved the capital to Richmond.
  • First Battle of Bull Run is fought

    First Battle of Bull Run is fought
    The first major battle of the Civil War.
  • Jefferson Davis elected president of the Confederacy

    Jefferson Davis elected president of the Confederacy
    Jefferson Davis was elected to serve a 6-year term as president of the Confederate States of America.
  • The Merrimac and the Monitor fight of the Virginia coast

    The Merrimac and the Monitor fight of the Virginia coast
    History's first duel between ironclad warships and the beginning of a new era of naval warfare.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Crucial victory for the Union during the war.
  • Robert E. Lee is named commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

    Robert E. Lee is named commander of the Army of Northern Virginia
    Robert E. Lee joined as commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, leading it to be the most successful southern army of the Civil War.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The deadliest one-day battle in American military history. It showed that the Union could stand against the Confederate army.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    One of the largest and deadliest battles of the Civil War.
  • Emancipation Proclamation is announced

    Emancipation Proclamation is announced
    The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    A major victory for Robert E. Lee.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Fought in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, by Union and Confederate forces.
  • Confederates surrender at Vicksburg

    Confederates surrender at Vicksburg
    General John C. Pemberton surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Vicksburg.
  • New York City draft riots

    New York City draft riots
    The government attempted to enforce the draft in New York City and it ignited the most destructive civil disturbance in the city's history.
  • Lincoln gives his Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln gives his Gettysburg Address
    Lincon's speech after the battle of Gettysburg. He urged people to remember those who died and to honor the constitution.
  • Atlanta is captured

    Atlanta is captured
    Atlanta was captured and it threatened the stability of the Confederacy.
  • Abraham Lincoln defeats George McClellan to win re-election

    Abraham Lincoln defeats George McClellan to win re-election
    Abraham Lincon defeats democratic nominee, Geroge McClellan.
  • Sherman begins his March to the Sea

    Sherman begins his March to the Sea
    Sherman made an expedition across Georgia by torching the industrial section of Atlanta and pulling away from his supply lines.
  • Congress passes the 13th Amendment

    Congress passes the 13th Amendment
    Congress passed the amendment that ended slavery.
  • Freedman’s Bureau is created

    Freedman’s Bureau is created
    Provided food, clothing, healthcare, and education for both black and white refugees in the south.
  • Richmond falls to the Union Army

    Richmond falls to the Union Army
    The Union catches Richmond.
  • Robert E. Lee surrenders at Appomattox

    Robert E. Lee surrenders at Appomattox
    Rober E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant which ended the Civil War.
  • President Lincoln assassinated

    President Lincoln assassinated
    John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincon at Peterson House, Washington D.C.
  • John Wilkes Booth is killed

    John Wilkes Booth is killed
    John Wilkes Booth was killed 12 days after he assassinated Lincon.