Civil War Timeline

  • President Lincoln Becomes President

    Lincoln defeated Douglas in the north election. Breckenridge defeated John Bell in the south. Lincoln and Breckenridge went against each other and Lincoln won election because the north had bigger population.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina left (withdrew) from the union. South Carolina was the first south state to secede from the union. This happened because they didn't trust Lincoln as their president.
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    Attack on Fort Sumter

    Lincoln was planning on visiting his people at Fort Sumter. Fort Sumter was in the South's territory and south didn't want Lincoln to go to the south so South decided to bomb and attack Fort Sumter.
  • Battle of Bull Run/Manassas

    what happened is that a war broke out between both sides, people gathered to watch but turns out it was more dangerous then expected so people had to run. what was significant because it was the first real battle that happened with the north and the south and the south won which made the north shocked.
  • Battle of Antietam

    What happened was the union clashed with confederate troops. And lead to a big battle between both sides. what was significant was that it was known as the Bloodiest single Day of war.
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    Battle of Fredericksburg

    McLellan was replaced by Ambrose Burnside. The battle was won by the confederate side. The union lost many of their men which made them change their way of thinking and they had to get a new general because Ambrose knew he messed up.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    what happened is that Lincoln issued this paper/ document as the nation approached its third year of the bloody civil war . it was significant because it freed all the slaves in the rebellion states (states that where not with the union).
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    Battle of Vicksburg

    what happened was that this was another battle won by Ulysses S.Grant in the west side, but this area was the last stronghold of the Confederacy on the Mississippi river. What was significant about this was their location and that this battle opened up the 'deep south' to unions control and anaconda plan was fulfilled.
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    Battle of Gettysburg

    what happened is that south thought with invading north they could win more victory's but the north had the higher ground. and that made Lee's army loss 1/3 of his men. It was significant because the it was the first win for the north.
  • 54th Massachusetts Fight at Fort Wagner

    what happened was that the African american infantry lead an assault which was unsuccessful. Also many union soldiers where killed.what was significant was that colored people was in the war.
  • Gettysburg Address

    A famous speech that Lincoln gave to the union people. It was to encourage the soldiers to keep trying and to make sure we win the war. It was significant because it gave many motive and was one of the most famous speeches given.
  • Sherman’s March to the Sea

    what happened was that Sherman marched more then 60,000 mean to sea which was about 285 miles away, and on his way use the railroads to his advantage soon after destroying them so north couldn't use then which was known as "Sherman Bowties." what was significant about it was that it lead to "total war" which mean a war not only against enemy troops but also enemy supporters.
  • 13th Amendment Passed

    what happened was that congress passed a law (13 amendment) to end slavery everywhere. what was significant about it was that it abolished slavery for good and it prohibited involuntary servitude.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

    what happened was that lee surrendered. what was significant was that south could keep the weapons and no soldiers where taken to jail.