Civil War Timeline

  • 49 BCE

    Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon

  • 49 BCE

    Pompey and consuls flee Rome

  • 49 BCE

    Corfinium falls to Caesar

  • 49 BCE

    Caesar calls the senate in Rome

  • 49 BCE

    Caesar begins the siege of Massilia

  • 49 BCE

    Caesar arrives in Hispania and seizes the Pyrenees passes guarded by Pompeian L. Afranius and M. Petreius.

  • 49 BCE

    Caesar defeats Afranius and Petreius near Ilerda

  • 49 BCE

    Massilia surrendered to Caesar

  • 49 BCE

    Caesar is appointed Dictator

  • 48 BCE

    Caesar landed at Dyrrhachium (Durazzo)

  • 48 BCE

    Battle of Dyrrhachium