• Copperhead Democrats

    Copperhead Democrats
    Copperhead democrants were also known as peace democrants.
    Opposed the American Civil War and wanted an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates.
  • Anaconda Plan

    Anaconda Plan
    The plan called for a naval blockade of the Confederate littoral, a thrust down the Mississippi, and the strangulation of the South by Union land and naval forces.
  • contrabands

    Contrabands were slaves who escaped to Union lines during the Civil War. Slaves who escaped to Union lines were often returned to their masters.
  • Militia Act

    Militia Act
    It was a legislation enacted by the 37th United States Congress during the American Civil War . This allowed African-Americans to participate as war laborers and soldiers for the first time since the Militia Act of 1792
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    It was one of the most significant and enduring events in the westward expansion of the United States. It granted 160 acres of free land to claimants.
  • Morrill Land Grant College Act

    Morrill Land Grant College Act
    Allowed for the creation of land-grant colleges in U.S. states using the proceeds of federal land sales. The Morrill Act of 1862 was enacted during the American Civil War
  • Battle of Antletam

    Battle of Antletam
    Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day in American history. The Union victory at Antietam resulted in President Abraham Lincoln issuing his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862.
  • Emancipation proclamation

    Emancipation proclamation
    The proclamation declared that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states shall be free.Abraham Lincoln also had issued the emancipation proclamation
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    The battle of Vicksburg was one of the victories of the Union. It gave control of the Mississippi River to the Union.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The battle of gettysburg was fro july1, 1863 to july 3,1863.It is considered the most important engagement of the American Civil War
  • Sherman's March to the sea

    Sherman's March to the sea
    A movement of the Union army troops of General William Tecumseh Sherman from Atlanta to Georgia seacoast with the object of destroying Confederate supplies. The march began after Sherman captured, evacuated, and burned Atlanta in the fall of 1864.
  • Election of 1864

    Election of 1864
    Abraham Lincoln defeated Democrat George B.It happend in the mids of the Civil War
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    Constitution that forbids slavery and forced labor except, as regards the latter, as punishment for crime. It was passed in january 31,1865
  • Appomattox Court House

    Appomattox Court House
    Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. It was another war during the Civil War