Fort Sumter
Union-Major Robert Anderson
Confederacy- General PGT Beauregard
No casualities, Union surrendered the fort.
This sparked the start of the Civil War. -
Period: to
Civil War
1st Battle of Bull Run
Union- General Irvin McDowell
Confederacy: Gernerl PT Beauregard and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.
Confederacy Won!
This was the 1st Batttle of Civil War and it changed the view of war. -
Battle of Shiloh
Union- General Ulysses S. Grant and William "Tecumseh" Sherman
Confederacy- General Beauragard
Union Won!
This was a strategic win towards the Union Control of Mississippi River. -
Fall of New Orleans
Union- Captain David Farragut
Union Won!
Completed Union control of Mississippi River and South couldn't use the port or river to carry goods to sea. -
Battle of Antientam
Union- General George McClellan
Confeds- General Robert E. Lee
Neither Side Won
Union was able to prevent Lee from moving the war into Northern Land, caused Emancipation Proclamation, and McClellan had Lee's plans. -
Battle of Fredericksburg
Union- General Abrose Burnside
Confeds- General Robert E. Lee
Confeds won!
South won again, Lee retreated to Virginia, General Burnside marched his troops toward the Confeds capitol in Richmond. -
Battle of Chancellorsville
Union- General Joseph Hooker
Confeds- Gereral Lee and General Jackson
Confeds Won!
It ruined the Union's plan, the Union was stuck, confed soldier thought Jackson was a Union and shot him. -
Battle of Gettysburg
Union- Gerneral Meade
Confeds- Gerneral Goerge Pickett and General Lee
Union won!
Another win for Union, ended Confeds hope. -
The Vicksburg Siege
Union: General Ulysses S. Grant
Confeds: Everyone
Union Won
This was a major turning point, confeds split in half and lost control of the Mississippi River in the South, 47 day siege on water and land, South also lost Port Hudson in Louisiana, and Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas were now cut off -
The Wilderness Campaign
Bloodiest weeks of the war, both sides stuggles with the condition and had many casualties. Bushfireds burned alive 200 wounded men, Grant moved towards Richmond, Before the third battle, Union general observed mean writing their names and home address on slips of paper and pinning them to the back of their coat. 50,000 Union deths in 30 days. Lincoln defended grant because he was a fighter! -
Farragut at Movle Bay
Union: Highest running Union officer, David Farragut
Lead an attack of 18 ships into mobile bay in Alabama. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
Union: Major General William Sherman
Confederate: Major General Joseph Wheeler
Union Won!
Approx. 3100 casualties of which 2,100 were Union soldiers.Sherman presented Lincoln with Savannah, Georgia in what he called a ‘Christmas gift’. He was able to strike in the heart of the Confederacy. His victories along with those of the other Union commanders were the beginning of the end for the Confederacy. -
Fall of Richmond/Surrender At Appomattox
In the litttle town of Appomattox court house, Virginia, Grant met with lee to discuss the ending of the war.
Rebel trooups kept their weapons, officser kept their horses, no one would disturb the soldiers on their way home, Grant also gave 25000 rations to feed Lee's troops.