Civil War Timeline

  • South Carolina Secedes from the Union

    South Carolina Secedes from the Union
    Before the Civil War even began, there was a loit of political tension. States were in danger of losing their rights. South Carolina was fed up and decided to secede from the Union. Many states followed. This is important, because it is what truly divided the country.
  • The Battle of Fort Sumter

    The Battle of Fort Sumter
    South Carolina wanted the US army to leave all the military facilities in Charleston Harbor in South Carolina. The Army then moved to Fort Sumter which blocked the entrance to the harbor. The Confederacy then sent soldiers to bombard Fort Sumter. After two days of bombardment the Union soldiers at Fort Sumter surrendered. This is important to the Civil War, because it is what began the Civil War.
  • The First Battle of Bull Run

    The First Battle of Bull Run
    Fought in Prince William County, Virginia, The First Battle of Bull Run was the first major battle in the Civil War. The Union army started a march toward Richmond, the capitol of the Confederacy. The Union attacked the Confederate's left flank. Both armies were inexprienced and the Confederacy won the battle. This was important because it was the first major battle.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    40,000 Confederate soldiers attacked Union troops near Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River. The Union was in a bad place and greatly outnumbered. Union federals were able to set up Hornets Nest. They then recieved reinforcements and were able to defeat the Confederate troops on April 7th. This is important because it was the bloodiest battle. 26,000 lives were lost.
  • Robert E. Lee Takes Command

    Robert E. Lee Takes Command
    After being unsucessful with other leaders, the Confederacy decided to elect a new leader. Robert E Lee was put in charge of the Army of Northern Virginia. He lead the Confederacy to many victories. This was important to the Civil War, because he was a great leader.
  • The Second Battle of Bull Run

    The Second Battle of Bull Run
    This battle took place in Manassas county from the 28th to teh 30th of August 1862. This battle had a major mistake by John Pope of the Union army. He thought he had Stonewall Jackson trapped, so Pope sent more troops to attack Jackson and his troops. Pope didn't know he was crossing a major street and the Union troops recieved heavy artillery fire. They lost the battle. This battle was important because it cost a lot if lives and was a major battle.
  • The Emancipation Proclomation

    The Emancipation Proclomation
    The Emancipation Proclomation was made to free any slaves held in the South. This made the Confederacy even more angry. It also called for black men to join the Union army. This was important to the Civil War because it made it about slavery.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg took place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania from July 1-3, 1863. The Union had lost a major battle before and the Confederacy was making it's way up through Pennsylvania. After 3 days of fighting, the Union forced them to retreat back to Virginia. This was important, because it kept the Confederacy out of Pennsylvania.
  • Ulysses S Grant made Commander of Union forces

    Ulysses S Grant made Commander of Union forces
    Abraham Lincoln had been searching for a decent general for a long time. He made Grant liutenant general of the army of the united states. Grant was determined to crush Robert E Lee. This was important because his leadership lead to teh defeat of the Confederacy.
  • Sherman Burns Atlanta

    Sherman Burns Atlanta
    Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman and several Union troops captued the city of Atlanta Georgia and burnt it to the ground. The city was easy to capture. Things were looking good for the Union. This was important because it started Sherman's March to the Sea.
  • The Battle of Nashville

    The Battle of Nashville
    The Union winning the war, the Confederates desperate, John Bell Hood lead an attack against Union troops. Majorly outnumbered, Hood was still determined. They fought for days, but eventually Bell had to retreat. The army of Tennessee was shattered. This was important because the Confederacy was falling apart.
  • Savannah Captured

    Savannah Captured
    Ending Sherman's March to Sea, Sherman captured Savannah, Georgia. The city wasn't even guarded because the Confederate troops had fled. Sherman offered the city to Lincoln as a Christmas gift. This was important to the Civil War, because the Confederates were fleeing.
  • The Fall of Richmond

    The Fall of Richmond
    The Union army marched to the capitol of the Confederate States, Richmond. The president of the Confederacy fled and burned all documents. After fighting for awhile Robert E Lee and his forces surrendered. This was important to the Civil War, because it caused the end.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    Robert E Lee surrendered on this day. After many years of bloody fighting, teh Confederacy had fallen. Lee surrendered. The war ended. This was important because it ended the Civil War.
  • Slavery Abolished

    Slavery Abolished
    After the 13th ammendment was ratified into the constituton of the United States of America. The Civil War was over. The slaves were free. This was important because it ended the era of the Civil War.