Civil War Timeline

By WiltonF
  • Dry Gelatin Plate Invented

    Though no one knows the exact date of it's invention, Richard L. Maddox's dry plate made photography infinetely easier and helped photographers spread vivid, horrifying images of the war into the homes of the American citizen.
  • Lincoln Selected Republican Nominee for Presidency

    Abraham Lincoln was selected as the GOP's nominee on the presidential ballot on5?16/1860. His ideal;s would help shape the modern Republican party.
  • Pacific Telegraph Act

    On June 16, an act that would help facilitate communication between the Atlantic and Pacific via telegraph was passed, as the Pacific Telegraph Act was signed by James Buchanan and construction of a telegraph system that connected sea to shining sea was commeneced immedietly.
  • Lincoln Adresses Congress

    In the aforementioned Congressional meeting, Lincoln asks the US government officials for 500,000 more troops in the effort to support the so-called, "people's affair."
  • Lincoln Elected President

    Abraham Lincoln (R) was elected President of the United States of Amerciaon 11/6/1860. Arguably one of our nation's most important leasders, :incoln would help guide us into and out of the Civil War victorious, preserving the Union and emancipating the slaves.
  • South Carolina Seceeds from Union

    South Carolina's hatred of the Us government in the 19th century is well documented, and they finally seceeded from the Union on December 20, a mere month and a half after Lincoln's election.
  • Confederate States of America is Formed

    The Confederate States of America, which consisted of all of the southern states that seceeded from the Union, was formed in early 1861 and intended to fight for that independence. Jefferson Davis, a West Point graduate, was appointed President.
  • Lincoln Swarn into Office

    Lincoln Swarn into Office
    The title says it all
  • Attack on Ft. Sumter

    Attack on Ft. Sumter
    Pierre Beauregard commands a Confederate attack on Ft. Sumter in the Charleston Harbor, marking the beginning of the Civil War.
  • Lincoln Steps up to the Plate

    Lincoln Steps up to the Plate
    President Lincoln issues a proclamation calling for 75,000 troops and calls for a meeting with Congress.
  • Proclamation of Blockade

    President Lincoln issues a proclamation calling for the blockade of all Southern ports. This depleted them of much needed resources and economic stability.
  • Virginia Seceeds

    Virginia seceeded from the Union, following the precident set by South Caronlina and others.
  • Bull Run

    In the Civil War's first official battle, Stonewall Jackson defeats McDowell and the Union. It now dawns on Lincoln that the Confederates are ready for a war longer than he anticipated.
  • McDowell is Replaced

    After McDowell's defeat at Bull Run, George McClellan is appointed to run the Potomac forces.
  • McClellan gets Promoted

    Winfield Scott, the aged, decorated general-in-chief of the Union forces resigns, and McClellan is appointed to take his spot.
  • US Navy Siezes Ships

    A diplomacy issue arises as two Confederate ships sailing towards the British Isles are siezed by the US Military. After England threatens war with the Union, Lincoln orders the Confederates to be released.
  • Lincoln Calls for Advance

    Lincoln Calls for Advance
    On January 31st, President Lincoln called for a general advance to be made into Confederate territory by February 22nd.
  • Ulysses Grant is Victorious in TN

    Future President Grant captures Donellson, Andersonville in Tennesee.
  • Willie Lincoln Perishes

    Willie Lincoln Perishes
    It is well documented how much grief Lincoln suffered during his life, and he lost his dear son Willie at the tender age of 11 during the most tryng time in American history.
  • Period: to

    Ironclad Battleships

    In a two day affair, the Confederate ironclad ship, the Merrimac sinks two Union ships and then engages in combat with the Union ironclad ship, the Monitor. Wooden ships are henceforth rendered useless
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    At Shiloh Church in Tenessee, the Confederates surprise the Union and win a key battle.
  • Battle of Seven Pines

    Battle of Seven Pines
    Joseph E. Johnston's Army attacks McClellan's troops in front of Richmond and nearly defeats them. Confederates are clearly on a roll to this point.
  • Lee takes Control

    Lee takes Control
    After Johnston's injury in the Battle of Seven Pines, Lee assumes command of his forces.
  • General-in-chief Swap

    General-in-chief Swap
    President Lincoln hands over the job of general-in-chief to Henry W. Halleck
  • Battle of Antietam

    In the deadliest signle day in American history, Gen. Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Army are stopped in Antietam, Maryland by McClellan and the vastly larger Union forces. It was a complete and utter bloodbath.
  • McClellan gets the Boot

    Honest Abe replaces McClellan with Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside as the new Commander of the Army of the Potomac. Lincoln had grown impatient with McClellan's "slows" and, presumably, his lack of muttonchops (which Burnside rocked).
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln frees all the Southern Slaves by issuing the Emanciparion Proclamatation. Black soldiers join the Union army.
  • Another Switch in the Potomac Command

    Burnside is replaced as leader of the Potomac by Joseph "Fighting Joe" Hooker.
  • Ulysses Grant and the West

    Ulysses Grant and the West
    Unconditional Surrender is placed at the head of the Army of the West and given orders to lead his men to capture Vicksburg.
  • The Draft

    The Draft
    The US Government enacts a draft for males aged 20-45 to help fight in the Civil War.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Chncellorsville

    General Lee's smaller Army defeats that of General Hooker , but Stonewall Jackson is badly injured.
  • The Death of Stonewall Jackson

    The Death of Stonewall Jackson
    Due to his injuries suffered in battle, which were caused by his own men, Stonewall Jackson perishes.
  • Potomac Leader Changes Once Again

    George G. Meade is selected by Lincoln to replace Hooker as Leader of the Potomac in what has become nothing short of a merry-go-round of changes.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Gettysburg

    In what is considered the turning point of the War, the Union has an enourmous win in Gettysburg, PA.
  • Lincoln meets with Douglass

    Lincoln meets with Douglass
    President Lincoln meets with Frederick Douglass regarding the treatment of black Union soldiers.
  • Atlanta Captured

    Atlanta Captured
    Sherman's forces take Atlanta, a huge Confederate city.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln delivers a two minute speech at Gettysburg, declaring the sit a National Cemetary
  • Grant Upgraded

    Grant Upgraded
    Ulysses S. Grant is given the teask of commanding all US Armies.
  • William Tecumseh Sherman

    William Tecumseh Sherman
    With Grant having been promoted, William Tecumseh Sherman is chosen to lead all Armies in the West.
  • Union Troops Advance

    Union Troops Advance
    The beginning of a massive, coordinated campaign involving all the Union Armies. In Virginia, Grant with an Army of 120,000 begins advancing toward Richmond to engage Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.
  • Cold Harbor

    Cold Harbor
    In a rare lapse of judgement by Grant, 7000 Union men are killed in a twenty minute span at Cold Harbor
  • Lincoln Nominated

    Lincoln Nominated
    In a nonsurprising move, Lincoln is nominated by the Republican party for a second term as Commander-in-chief
  • Sherman in Atlanta

    Sherman in Atlanta
    Sherman's forces have success in Atlanta over a band of rebels.
  • McClellan Nominated

    McClellan Nominated
    George McClellan is nominated by the Democratic Party as their Presidential candidate.
  • Lincoln Re-elected

    Lincoln Re-elected
    Lincoln is elected to serve a seond term as President, and finish what he started
  • Period: to

    Shermam's March to the Sea

    In a campaign in which he uprooted railroads, burned the earth, and torn down telegraph wires, William Tecumseh Sherman's men engage in a march that helps ensure a Union victory.
  • Savannah Captured

    Savannah Captured
    William Tecumseh Sherman's March to the Sea ends with the siezure of Savannah, Georgia, which he offers to Lincoln as a Christmas Present.
  • 13th Ammendment

    The US Congress approves an ammendment which would abolish slavery in the United States.
  • An Attempt at Peace

    An Attempt at Peace
    Lincoln meets with the Confederate Vice President at a Peace Conference, but nothing is agreed upon and the war rages on.
  • Lincoln is Inauggurated

    Lincoln is Inauggurated
    Lincoln is sworn into office again and begins serving his second term.
  • Lincoln tours Richmond

    President Lincoln tours Richmond, VA and sees the Confederate White House, and is given a chance to sit at the desk of Jefferson Davis.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    Robert E Lee announcs the surrender of the Confederates to the Union and the Civil War ends.
  • Lincoln Shot

    Lincoln Shot
    While attending a play at the Ford's Theater, Lincoln is shot in the balcony by actor John Wilkes Booth.
  • Lincoln Dies

    Lincoln Dies
    At 7;22 AM, Lincoln's wounds get the best of him, and he is now dead.
  • John Wilkes Booth Killed

    John Wilkes Booth Killed
    John Wilkes Booth is hunted down and killed in a barn in Virginia.
  • Celebration

    Word of the war's end reaches Washington, DC, and the city is sent into celebration.
  • Andrew Johnson Vetoes a Bill

    New President Johnson vetoes a bill that would call for the persecution of those who discriminate against black soldiers.
  • Johnson Vetoes Civil Rights Acf

    Johnson Vetoes Civil Rights Acf
    President Johnson vetoes the Civil Rights Act, declaring it unconstitutional
  • Congress Buys Ford's Theater

    Congress Buys Ford's Theater
    Congress buys Ford's Theater for $100,000.It served as the Army Medical Museum and the Office of the Surgeon General and War Department until 1893.
  • Congress Unvetoes Civil Rights Act

    Although Johnson denied the Civil Rights Act, Congress declared it was indeed Constitutional and ratified it.
  • Cholera hits the Nation

    Cholera hits the Nation
    The deadly cholera is first diagnosed in the United States. It travels through things such as contaminated water.
  • The Memphis Race Riots

    46 Negroes are killed in deadly riots in Memphis, TN.
  • First Nickels Minted

    First Nickels Minted
    The five cent piece is thrown into circulation. It bears a shield and "IN GOD WE TRUST" on one side, and stars, rays, and a massive five of the reverse side.
  • Winfield Scott's Death

    Winfield Scott's Death
    "The Old War Man" Winfield Scott dies at age 80 at West Point, NY
  • General of the Army Created

    General of the Army Created
    A new armed forces position, General of the Army, is created. Ulysses S. Grant is elected to fill the position, which is in charge of thw whole nation's army.
  • Ku Klux Klan Investigation Begins

    A US Secret Service investigation into the wrongdoings of the KKK begins,
  • Texas Peace Proclamation

    Texas Peace Proclamation
    President Andrew Johnson declares peace with Texas.
  • Period: to

    Swing Around the Circle

    Andrew Johnsson tours the nation, giving speeches about supporting the South's reconstruction
  • Blacks Gain the Right to Vote

    Blacks Gain the Right to Vote
    Congress passes a bill that was initially vetoed by Johnson which grants blacks the right to vote in the District of Columbia.
  • Nebraska

    The Cornhusker Sate joins the union as the 37th state
  • Alaska is Purchased

    Alaska is Purchased
    William H Seward purchases Alaska from Russian Emporer Alexander II for $7.2 million.
  • NOLA Peaceful Protests

    Peaceful protests in New Orleans commence as blacks ride in on white trolley cars.
  • Readmission to the Union

    Readmission to the Union
    Congress passes a bill that admits Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisianna, North Carolina and South Carolina into the Union once more.
  • Railroads in NYC

    Railroads in NYC
    The first elevated railroad service in the nation opens in New York City.
  • Midway Island

    Midway Island
    The US acquires Midway Island, an important site in WW2
  • Alaska Offically Ours

    Alaska Offically Ours
    After all the I's were dotted and T's crossed, Russia's landholdings in Alaska were finally given to us.
  • Charles Dickens hits the States

    In a NYC Theater, writer Charles Dickens gives his first public reading to Americans. He soon becomes even more popular in the states.
  • Yellow Fever Outbreak in NOLA

    Yellow Fever Outbreak in NOLA
    Throughout the year, yellow fever kills nearly 31 hundred people in New Orleans.