Civil War timeline

  • lincoln elected president

    lincoln elected president
  • Civil War starts at 4:30 a.m.

    Civil War starts at 4:30 a.m.
    first shot fired at fort sumter. this is in charleston, south carolina. many people thought that this would be a short glorious war because the north had many advatages over the south. some are more people, more factories, more food production, and better railroads
  • Period: to

    Civil war

  • Virginia secedes from the union

    Virginia secedes from the union
    within five weeks three more states secedes from the union
  • union army suffers

    union army suffers
    they were defeated at bull run by a guy named Thomas J. Jackson A.K.A " stone wall Jackson" this was only 25 miles from washington, D.C. this also was the first battle of the civil war
  • souths greatest sea port

    souths greatest sea port
    17 union ships move up the mississippi to take over new orleans
  • emascipation

    Lincoln disscuses a draft with the cabinet. this would free all slaves behind the confederate lines. this also would allow the former slave to inlist in the union army
  • final draft of emancipation

    final draft of emancipation
    lincoln singed the final emancipation
  • Guttysburg

    A huge turning point in the civil war. they lost more than 50,000 soldiers. this war happened in Pennsylvania
  • gettysburg Address

    gettysburg Address
    this was a speech that president lincoln gave to rember all of the troops that died during the war
  • lincoln

    he gets re-elected
  • genral lee

    genral lee
    genral lee surendered