
Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Lincoln orders blockade of the south

    Lincoln orders blockade of the south
    With war clouds hanging heavy over Washington in early April 1861 and the budding Confederate States of America a reality, Union General-in-Chief Winfield Scott developed a plan for the execution of the onrushing war. Scott's concept, later dubbed the Anaconda Plan, consisted of the blockade of the Southern seaports and control of the Mississippi River. This, he believed, would strangle the South by preventing it from exporting its crops for currency, preclude its receiving needed supplies and
  • 1st Battle of Bull Run (or you may see if called Manassas)

    1st Battle of Bull Run (or you may see if called Manassas)
    On July 21, 1861, 35,000 Union troops led by Brigadier General Irvin McDowell faced off against more than 20,000 Confederates under Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard near a railroad junction at Manassas, Virginia, 25 miles from Washington, D.C.
  • 2nd Ball Run

    Once again suffers defeat.
  • 7 Days Campaign

    7 Days Campaign
    Campaign map showing the general movements of the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac during the Seven Days Battles in the summer of 1862 outside of Richmond, Virginia.
  • Fredericksburg

    Virginia confedence losses = 5309
  • Chancellorsville

    Gen. Hooker defeted union wins. Gen. Lee
  • Gettysburg

    confederates defeated war turns against south.
  • Chickamauga

    decisive confederate victory-union army trapped in Tenn.
  • Chattanooga

    Union troops avenge their previous defeat.