Attack on Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter was a federal outpost in Charleston, South Carolina. The attack by confederates started the beginning of the Civil War. Instead of surrendering the fortress Lincoln sent ships to give them supplies and the fort was huge but it stood little chance because of its flaws like how the guns faced the Atlantic ocean not the shore. After 34 hours of canon blasts Fort Sumter surrendered. -
First Battle of Bull Run
The First Battle of Bull Run was the first major battle of the Civil War also known as the first Battle of Manassas. The union troops gave out and it shattered the North's hopes of winning quickly. -
Trent Affair
Captain Wilkes had his men search the Trent (ship) and arrest James Mason and John Slidell the two Confederate agents. At first the United States was in favor of the arrest, but then many of America’s leaders began to wonder how legal these arrests really were. Great Brittian was upset that thier ship had been captured and search. Lincoln realized how bad of an idea it was to go againt Brittian so he let it go. -
Battle of Pea Ridge
On March 6 General Earl Van Dorn went to attack the Union near Pea Ridge. Learning of Van Dorn’s approach the Union went north to meet them. The Confederates controlled Elkhorn Tavern and Telegraph Road. The next day General Samuel R. Curtis counterattacked near the tavern and forced the Rebels back. Van Dorn ran short of amunition and abandoned the battlefield so the Union controlled the Mississippi for the next two years. -
USS Monitor v. CSS Virginia
The CSS Virginia was going down the Hampton Roads when it stumbled apon the USS Monitor. They exchanged fire but not much damage was done. The comanding officer of the CSS Virginia, John L. Wordon, was injured and they had to retreat. -
Battle of Shiloh
General Johnston attacked Union General Grant at Pittsburg Landing. The Union forces were not ready and they held up until General Buell's army and other reinforcements at Pittsburg Landing came to help. The Confederates lost their leader when General Johnston was killed by a stray bullet. The union won even though they lost more soldiers. -
Union Captures New Orleans
A fleet of union warships led by commodore David G. Farragut broke through the confederates at the Mississippi and sailed to New Orleans. The city went down in flames and a lot of stuffwas lit on fire to try and prevent capture. With the capture of New Orleans the Confederacy loses most of its control on the Mississippi. -
Battle of Chattanooga
General Bragg led his army against the Union troops in Chattanooga. General Grant came to Chattanuga with reinforcements that realy helped the North. Union forces defeated the confederates and that helped the Union to keep moving on. -
Seven Days’ Battles
On June 25th, Lee's forces attacked Union forces at Mechanicsville. The Union forces won, but McClellan ordered a withdrawal to Gaines Mill. There, Confederate forces broke Union lines the next day. McClellan then ordered a general withdrawal. Three more battles were fought, including one at Malvern Hill, in which Confederate troops were dominated. In the end however, McClellan withdrew all of his troops. -
Second Battle of Bull Run
General John Pope threatened the town of Gordonsville so Stonewall Jackson was sent to protect the town. Then near Bull Run, Pope was attacking Stonewall when Longstreat came to help and sent the Union forces reteating. -
Battle of Antietam
The confederates invaded maryland but a careless confederate officer allowed the battle plan to fall into northen hands. Union General George B. Mcclellan surprised Lee's forces at Antietam in September 1862. This was the bloodiest Battle of the civilwar. Even though they had lee's superior leadership the confederates lost this battle. -
Siege of Vicksburg
Vicksburg surrendered after a long siege operations. With the loss of Pemberton’s army and control on the Mississippi, the Confederacy was split in half. Grant's successes in the West boosted his reputation and he became General in Chief. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The Union and Confederates fought for three days beginning on July 1, 1863. Confederate soldiers advanced on picket's charge and only 100 men reached the top of the ridge. The confederates were soon overpowered by the union army because they were unable to send for supplies or reinforcements so General Lee retreated. -
Battle of Chickamauga
Union troops led by Generals William Rosecrans and George Thomas went to Chattanooga, Tennessee. When confedeerate General Braxton Bragg moved his army to Chickamauga, Georgia the union general followed him. the confederates defeated union troops and forced them to retreat. -
West Virginia Becomes a State
West Virginia became 35th state admitted to the Union when it broke away from Confederate Virginia during the Civil War. When Virginia seceded from the Union in the western part was against the action. On October 24, 1861, what would become West Viginia was formed. The US government accepted West Virginia as a state two years later. -
Gettysburg Address
Lincoln basically summed up the consequences of the war. He stressed the need for liberty and equality. Also, he wanted people to remember the soldiers that have died. The speech was a turning point in the war and boosted moral and the town was turned into a graveyard for all the soldiers who died. -
Battle of Cold Harbor
A mistake by Grant results in 7,000 Union casualties in twenty minutes during a battle against Rebels at Cold Harbor, Virginia. it was one of the most disasterous battles of the Civil War. So, the Confederates lost terribly. -
Fall of Atlanta
William Tecumseh Sherman and 60,000 union troops raided the city of Atlanta . Young teenaged cadets defended the city because most of the confederate men had already been killed or wounded shermans troops raided the city and then burned it to the ground. -
Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
The civil war ended when Lee rode through the union lines in Appomattox, Virginia. Then surrendered in front of a home known as appomattox court house. General Grant told Lee the entire army of northern virginia must surrender and that the confederates would stop fighting. Finally, General Grant allowed General Lee to keep his sword because Grant admired Lee. -
Assassination of President Lincoln