civil war timeline

  • Lincoln Elected

    Lincoln Elected
    He was re-elected on November 8, 1864, and took office for the second time, and second term, March 4, 1865.
  • McClellan Becomes Commander+

    McClellan Becomes Commander+
    He Organized The Army of The Potomac.
  • South Carolina Leaves the Union

    South Carolina Leaves the Union
    After the election of Lincoln, South Carolina seceeds from the Union.
  • Period: to

    First Year of The War

  • Mississipi Leaves The Union

    Mississipi Leaves The Union
    After Lincoln was elected Mississippi seceeded frpm the Union.
  • Florida Leaves The Union

    Florida Leaves The Union
    When Lincoln got elected Florida seceeds from the Union
  • Alabama Leaves The Union

    Alabama Leaves The Union
    When Lincoln was elected Alabama seceeds from the Union
  • Georgia Leaves The Union

    Georgia Leaves The Union
    When Lincoln was elected Georgia seceeds from the Union
  • Lousiana Leaves The Union

    Lousiana Leaves The Union
    When Lincoln was elected Louisiana seceeds from the union
  • Texas Leaves The Union

    Texas Leaves The Union
    When Lincoln was elected as president Texas was seceeded from the union.
  • Battle of Sumter

    Battle of Sumter
    this was a battle that caused many deaths.
  • Lincoln Calls For 75,000 Volunteers

    Lincoln Calls For 75,000 Volunteers
    lincoln was needed!
  • Virginia Leaves The Union

    Virginia Leaves The Union
    When Lincoln was elected Virginia leaves the union.
  • Arkansas Leaves The Union

    Arkansas Leaves The Union
    Arkansas was seceeded when Lincoln was elected.
  • North Carolina Leaves The Union

    North Carolina Leaves The Union
    North Carolina was seceeded from the Union.
  • Tennessee Leaves the Union

    Tennessee Leaves the Union
    Tennessee was seceeded from the Union when Lincoln was elected.
  • 1st Bull Run (Manassas)

    1st Bull Run (Manassas)
    It was fought in Prince William County,Virginia.
  • Merrimac v Monitor

    Merrimac v Monitor
    This event occured and it was major and it was important
  • Forts Donelson & Henry

    Forts Donelson & Henry
    These are forts that held many battles.
  • Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh was fought in the 1800's
  • Sharpsburg

    A major battle occured!
  • Robert E.Lee becomes commander

    Robert E.Lee becomes commander
    Robert E. Lee became commander and he was a great one at that.
  • Pope Becomes Commander

    Pope Becomes Commander
    Pope became commander after McClellan.
  • 2nd Bullrun (2nd Manassas)

    2nd Bullrun (2nd Manassas)
    Crazy! Hectic!
  • Burnside Becomes Commander

    Burnside Becomes Commander
    Burnside replaced McClellan
  • Fredricksburg

    Battle of Fredricksburg was fought between many soldiers.
  • Chancellorsville

    Chancellorsville was fought.
  • Vicksburg

    Vicksburg was fought.
  • Gettysburg

    This was a very crucial battle.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    13th Amendment was signed.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    Can't believe Lee surrendered.
  • Siege of Petersburg

    Siege of Petersburg
    Siege of Petersburg was fought.
  • Atlanta Captured

    Atlanta Captured
    Atlanta was captured.
  • Battle of Nashville

    Battle of Nashville
    Battle of Nashville was fought.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    Lincoln got killed by one of his own people,
  • Joseph E.Johnson

    Joseph E.Johnson
    Joseph Johnson surrendered to everyone can't believe.
  • Period: to

    Secssion of States

    South Carolina on 20 December 1860.
    Mississippi on 9 January 1861.
    Florida on 10 January 1861.
    Alabama on 11 January 1861.
    Georgia on 19 January 1861.
    Louisiana on 26 January 1861.
    Texas on 1 February 1861.
    Virginia on 17 April 1861.
    Arkansas on 6 May 1861.
    North Carolina on 20 May 1861.
    Tennessee on 8 June 1861.