Civil War Timeline

By AL927
  • Civil War starts!

    Civil War starts!
    Lincoln attempts to send supplies to Fort Sumter in South Carolina, and gives the Confederates a fair warning of the shipment to avoid confrontation. The Confederates saw this as a trick. So, the Brig. Gen. Beauregard implies that the Union garrison to surrender Fort Sumter. Union Garrison refuses thus sparking the beginning of the Civil War by ceasessly bombarding Fort Sumter.
  • Preparations for war.

    Preparations for war.
    Abraham Lincoln sends 75,000 troops to stop southern rebellion.
    He requires that all union states subject their militia to help with the suppression. Richmond newspaper publish full report of the whole affair.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • The Southern Blockade, first part of Union strategy.

    The Southern Blockade, first part of Union strategy.
    President Lincoln orders a blockade on all Southern ports so that the South have limited supplies to prolong the war. Thus begining the first part of the "constrictor" plot. Though the South lost control of their supply lines, their Military leadership more than makes up for it.
  • First Battle of the Civil War

    First Battle of the Civil War
    The first battle of the war, both sides gave it their all. But the rigorous fortitude of the Southern Army prevailed with the help of Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. The first of many defeats for the Union army and its General, Irvin McDowell.
  • Suprise Attack

    Suprise Attack
    A Confederate Suprise attack on General Grant and his union soldiers in Shiloh is said to be the most costly of battles in American History. Grant prevails with only 13,000 troops wounded and killed. 10,000 for the Confederates.
  • Second battle of Bull Run

    Second battle of Bull Run
    The second battle of Bull Run is the same outcome as the last one. 75,000 Union soldiers defeat by only a quarter of that amount by the Confederates who were led by "stonewall" and James Longstreet.
  • Bloodiest Day of the War

    Bloodiest Day of the War
    The most bloodiest battle in American History with each side losing a total of 26,000 men. A risky victory by Union General McClellan against Confederate General Lee who withdraws to Virginia. Many bodies were scattered due to constant artillery fire throughout the battle.
  • Emancipation Proclamation is issued.

    Emancipation Proclamation is issued.
    The Emancipation Proclamation is finally released by President Lincoln and also encourages former slaves to sign up for the Union army. This changes the aspects of the war drastically. Turning from merely preservering the Union to proving that all men are free.
  • Constription Act

    Constription Act
    This was issued so that the armies for both sides could use more men. Though it really pertained to poor and working class Americans for Richer men could pay so that they wouldn't have to fight. Thus the slogan "poor man's fight and a rich man's war."
    So because of this, many riots from the North and the South caused significant ruckus. But it could not be helped.
  • Chancellorsville

    A devestating and embarassing defeat for the Union army. The fight lasted 4 days. "Stonewall" gets injured by his own men. Union losses were 17,000 out of 130,000. Confederates were 60,000.
  • The siege of Vicksburg

    The siege of Vicksburg
    General Grant begins his siege on the town of Vicksburg which takes six weeks to complete. This is also the display of total war as Vicksburg was ruthlessly burned. This was the last Confederate Stronghold, in which splits the Confederate army making it difficult for them to gain reinforcements.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg.

    The Battle of Gettysburg.
    This is the turning point battle of the war. With General Lee closing in to Washington, Abraham Lincoln appoints General Meade as his last hope to stop the Confederate march. So the to Armies arrive at a peaceful, unsuspecting, town of Gettysburg Pennsylvania. This battle lasted three days and is regarded as the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. The Union comes victorious at the cost of many thousand soldiers. More so from General Lee which eventually becomes his downfall.