Lincoln elected president
Abraham Lincoln was elected president -
South Carolina secedes
first state to secede from the union -
Florida secedes
3rd state to secede from the union -
Missippii secedes
2nd state to secede from the union -
Alabama secedes
4th state to secede from the union -
Georgia secedes
5th state to secede from the union -
Louisiana secedes
6th state to secede -
Texas secedes
7th state to secede from the union -
Fort Sumter
confedrates win only 2 casualties -
Lincoln Calls for 75000 Volunteers
Virginia secedes
8th state to secede -
Lee becomes commander of the confedrate army
Arkansas joins confedrates
9th state to leave the union -
Tennessee joins confedrates
10th state to leave the union -
John Pope
becomes commander -
North carolina joins the confedrates
last state to leave the union -
1st Manassas
1st major battle of the civil war. -
McClellan becomes commander
only for a short term -
Battle of fort Henry
first win for the union -
Fort donelson
fist major win for the union -
Merrimac .vs Monitor
Also called the battle of Hampton roads it was a naval battle lasting 2 days. -
battle of Shiloh
fought in the western theater -
2nd Manassas
confedrate wins again -
Battle of Antietam
this was the bloodest battle in American history with 23000 casualties. -
Burnside becomes commander
Burnside takes over for McClellan -
Fought in and around Fredricksberg,Virginia between the ANV and AOP. -
Hooker leads part of AOP across Rappahonick to flank Robert E. Lee. -
Grant vs Pemperton great victory for Grant -
Robert E. Lee and Mead face of in Gettysburg. Over shoes -
Atlanta Captured
Sherman capturs Atlanta from Confederates -
Battle of Nashville
Hood takes Nashville for Union -
Siege of Petersburg
Series of battles fought around Petersburg Virginia -
Lee surrenders
After four years of the Civil war, Lee surrenders -
Joseph E. Johnson surrenders
Surrenders the remaining Conederate troops to William Sherman -
13th Amendement
Officialy aboloshes slavery.