Was the civil war inevitable

Civil War Time Period

  • The Confederate is formed

    The Confederate is formed
    Jefferson Davis, a West point graduate and former U.S Army officer, forms the Confederate States of America.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Confederates open fire at cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina under General Pierre Beauregard's commands. Marks where the Civil War began.
  • Robert E. Lee

    Robert E. Lee
    Robert E. Lee first rejects being leader of Union Army in April 15, 1861 but then resigns his commission when he sees that his country need it. Robert E. Lee is commander of the Union military on this date.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    The Union Army loses against the Confederate. The Union travels back to Washington.
  • Battle of Shilioh

    Battle of Shilioh
    Confederate surprise-attacks the Union and kills 13,000 Unions and 10,000 Confederates.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    75,000 Unions are defeated by 55,000 Confederates at the second battle of Bull Run in northern Virginia.
  • Antietam

    Marks the bloodiest day in Civil War, 26,000 men of the Union are dead or missing.
  • Fredericksburg

    The Union loses a defeat in Virginia. 5,309 Confederate died and 12,653 Union soldiers have died.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    Union loses against Confederate. 17,000 Unions killed and Confederates 13,000 soldiers are killed.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Confederates are defeated by the Union, first time Union has won against the Confederates.
  • Battle of Chickamauga

    Battle of Chickamauga
    Confederate victory against the Union Army, leaves the Union Army trapped in Chattanooga, Tennesee under Confederate soldiers.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    Union forces defeats Confederates, during the battle they yelled Chickamauga! Chickamauga! while Unions cried "My god, come and see 'em run!
  • Cold Harbor

    Cold Harbor
    7,000 unions die in twenty minutes because of Grant's mistake at Cold Harbor in Virginia.
  • March to the Sea

    March to the Sea
    Sherman and 62,000 march to the sea after destroying Atlanta's warehouses and railroads.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    Robert.E Lee surrenders to General Grant at Appomattox Court in Virginia.