Southern Succession
- Southern States leaving the Union
- First to leave was South Carolina in 1860
- Most left in January of 1861 (Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas)
- Some did not leave until after the Battle of Fort Sumter in April of 1861 (Virgina, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee)
- Last state to leave the Union was Tennesse on June 8th 1861
- Border slave states who stayed on the Union (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware)
General Lee
Song about Genral Lee- Was one of the generals of the confederate army during the Civil War
- he was the greatest military general in the Civil War
- known for Chancellorsville, and Second Manassas -
General Grant
- Commander of the Union Army
- Also became president of the United States in 1869
- He was known for the battle of Shiloh,and Vicksburg
- the best miltary stratagist in the Union Army
General Stonewall Jackson
- a confederate genral
- Was the most powerful general after Lee
- however was killed in May of 1863 at the battle of Chancellorsville by friendly fire
- was a major set back for the Confedracy beucase he was such a strong leader
Jefferson Davis
- Leader/President of the Confederate US during the Civil War
- Not a very strong leader and was seen and the reason the Confederate army failed
- He tried to hanlde the strategy involved with the war but was unalbe to see a way to fight the Union Army
Abraham Lincoln
- President of the US during the Civil War
- He was repulican and was sided with the Union
- During the civil war he was not trying to end slavery but instead was trying to save the union
- He felt if he took any other position then the border states would join confederacy
- assasinated in 1865 by John W. Booth
- The union blockaded southern ports
- South used "blockade runners" to sneak past the blockade but it was not successful
- The South tried to get help from Britian by caliming their cotton was a major import for them, however Britian did not help the South because they had other colonies who could supply them with cotton and did not want to get involved
- South also tried to build ships with the help of Britian that could break past the Blockade but the Union Navy was too large and strong
The Slaughter at Shiloh
- On the Tennessee-Mssissippi border Union General: Grant Confederate General: Johnston
- Union Army was suprised by the Confederate army
- Johnston was killed and was a Union victory
- Slowed down the Union advance
- Grant said " I gave up the idea of saving the union except by complete conquest."
Union Conquers New Orleanss
Union Genral: David Farragut
- Union took ship in through the Gulf of Mexico but had to get past two forts
- Unsusseccful at first but went at night the second time
- After the battle 20 of 24 union ships made it past the forts
- New Orleans was taken wihtout a shot fired
- Now the Union Army was coming down from the north and up form the south. -
Battle of Antietam
- Near Sharpsburg, Maryland
- McCellen realized the Confederate froces were devided
- Bloodiest day of the Civil War with more then 20,000 killed
- First Battle on Union Soil
- Tactically the battle was not conclusive but the Confederate army succeeded first
- Allowed the Union to have confedance and allowed Lincoln to announce the Emancipation Proclamation
Emancipation Proclamation
- Public Document relased by Lincoln that ordered to free slaves
- Also delcared the Civil conflict a war against slavery
- They were an extreme group who wanted to end the war at any cost
- They were mainly Democrats
- They would allow the Southern States with slavery to enter back into the Union or would let them leave the union without futher conflict
- many were supporters of the south and wanted norhterners to resist the war
54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
- First official African American regiment in the United States
- Fought for the Union
- fought from march 13th 1863- agust of 1865
- created from freed slaves
- first time an African American Regiment had been organized. Many African Americans fought in other wars such as 1812 and the Revolution but this was the first official regiment
Battle Of Gettysburg
- Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Confederate General: George Pickett Union General: George Meade
- Largest nubmer of casualties in the entire war
- Union army were positioned on a ridge and the Confederate army had to attack up towards the high ground
- Charging was unsuccesful and the confderate army retreated on July 4th
- Turning point of thre war because the south could not recover from the amount of casualties
Siege of Vicksburg
Video- Vicksburg limited the Union from controlling the Mississippi River
- Grant was the General for the Union
- Made five unsuccessful attempts
- Union attacked the unportected city of Jackson and moved wesward towards Vicksburg
- they moved very quickly and won five battles
- then seiged VIckburg and forced the inhabitants to have horrible living conditions before the coty was taken
- the Union now controlled the Mississippi River and could cut off all supplies to the confederate army -
Gettysburg Address
- A speech gave by Lincoln at Gettysburg after the battle
- Was going to make the battle field a memorial to honor the soilders who died in battle
- Honored casualities of both sides
Battle of Chattanooga
- The union needed to capture the railroad trade center at Chattanooga
- the Confederates under Bragg had defeated the Union army under William Rosecrans
- The Confederates laid seige to him at Chattanooga and it looked to be a confederate win
- Then in Oct of 1863 Grant came with fresh troops and supplies and drove Bragg out into Georgia
- The Union Army was now in control of Tennessee
Prisoner of War Camp Andersonville (Camp Sumter)
Video- Confederate Prisioner of war camp
- Andersonville, Georgia
- Run by Henry Wirz
- extreamly horrible living conditions
- overcrowding becuase there were too many prisoners for the prison
- There were appox. 45,000 prisioners in the camp and of those 13,000 died
- 13,000 of those died -
Burning Atlanta
- Part of Shermans March
- Sherman of the Union Army ordered that Atlanta be destroyed
- Sherman caputured Atlanta on Sept. 2nd 1864
- he stayed for 2 months
Sherman's March
- Sherman was ordered to to destroy the confederate army in the west
- Stopped by the confederate army forced to retreat atalnata
- Sherman ordered Atlanta to be destroyed which marked that start of his amrch of destruction
- Ended on December 21 1864
- He then took Grants tactics from Vickburg marched towards the Atlantic coast to meet up with Grant in Shavannah, Georgia on Dec 20th 1864 destorying everything in his path
- Then in 1865 he marched up through the Carolinas