
Civil War Stephen

  • Southern Succession

    Southern Succession
    • Southern States leaving the Union
    • First to leave was South Carolina in 1860
    • Most left in January of 1861 (Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas)
    • Some did not leave until after the Battle of Fort Sumter in April of 1861 (Virgina, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee)
    • Last state to leave the Union was Tennesse on June 8th 1861
    • Border slave states who stayed on the Union (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware)
  • General Lee

    General Lee
    Song about Genral Lee- Was one of the generals of the confederate army during the Civil War
    - he was the greatest military general in the Civil War
    - known for Chancellorsville, and Second Manassas
  • General Grant

    General Grant
    • Commander of the Union Army
    • Also became president of the United States in 1869
    • He was known for the battle of Shiloh,and Vicksburg
    • the best miltary stratagist in the Union Army
  • General Stonewall Jackson

    General Stonewall Jackson
    • a confederate genral
    • Was the most powerful general after Lee
    • however was killed in May of 1863 at the battle of Chancellorsville by friendly fire
    • was a major set back for the Confedracy beucase he was such a strong leader
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis
    • Leader/President of the Confederate US during the Civil War
    • Not a very strong leader and was seen and the reason the Confederate army failed
    • He tried to hanlde the strategy involved with the war but was unalbe to see a way to fight the Union Army
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    • President of the US during the Civil War
    • He was repulican and was sided with the Union
    • During the civil war he was not trying to end slavery but instead was trying to save the union
    • He felt if he took any other position then the border states would join confederacy
    • assasinated in 1865 by John W. Booth
  • Blockades

    • The union blockaded southern ports
    • South used "blockade runners" to sneak past the blockade but it was not successful
    • The South tried to get help from Britian by caliming their cotton was a major import for them, however Britian did not help the South because they had other colonies who could supply them with cotton and did not want to get involved
    • South also tried to build ships with the help of Britian that could break past the Blockade but the Union Navy was too large and strong
  • The Slaughter at Shiloh

    The Slaughter at Shiloh
    • On the Tennessee-Mssissippi border Union General: Grant Confederate General: Johnston
    • Union Army was suprised by the Confederate army
    • Johnston was killed and was a Union victory
    • Slowed down the Union advance
    • Grant said " I gave up the idea of saving the union except by complete conquest."
  • Union Conquers New Orleanss

    Union Conquers New Orleanss
    Union Genral: David Farragut
    - Union took ship in through the Gulf of Mexico but had to get past two forts
    - Unsusseccful at first but went at night the second time
    - After the battle 20 of 24 union ships made it past the forts
    - New Orleans was taken wihtout a shot fired
    - Now the Union Army was coming down from the north and up form the south.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    • Near Sharpsburg, Maryland
    • McCellen realized the Confederate froces were devided
    • Bloodiest day of the Civil War with more then 20,000 killed
    • First Battle on Union Soil
    • Tactically the battle was not conclusive but the Confederate army succeeded first
    • Allowed the Union to have confedance and allowed Lincoln to announce the Emancipation Proclamation
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    • Public Document relased by Lincoln that ordered to free slaves
    • Also delcared the Civil conflict a war against slavery
  • Copperheads

    • They were an extreme group who wanted to end the war at any cost
    • They were mainly Democrats
    • They would allow the Southern States with slavery to enter back into the Union or would let them leave the union without futher conflict
    • many were supporters of the south and wanted norhterners to resist the war
  • 54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

    54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
    • First official African American regiment in the United States
    • Fought for the Union
    • fought from march 13th 1863- agust of 1865
    • created from freed slaves
    • first time an African American Regiment had been organized. Many African Americans fought in other wars such as 1812 and the Revolution but this was the first official regiment
  • Battle Of Gettysburg

    Battle Of Gettysburg
    • Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Confederate General: George Pickett Union General: George Meade
    • Largest nubmer of casualties in the entire war
    • Union army were positioned on a ridge and the Confederate army had to attack up towards the high ground
    • Charging was unsuccesful and the confderate army retreated on July 4th
    • Turning point of thre war because the south could not recover from the amount of casualties
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    Video- Vicksburg limited the Union from controlling the Mississippi River
    - Grant was the General for the Union
    - Made five unsuccessful attempts
    - Union attacked the unportected city of Jackson and moved wesward towards Vicksburg
    - they moved very quickly and won five battles
    - then seiged VIckburg and forced the inhabitants to have horrible living conditions before the coty was taken
    - the Union now controlled the Mississippi River and could cut off all supplies to the confederate army
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    • A speech gave by Lincoln at Gettysburg after the battle
    • Was going to make the battle field a memorial to honor the soilders who died in battle
    • Honored casualities of both sides
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    • The union needed to capture the railroad trade center at Chattanooga
    • the Confederates under Bragg had defeated the Union army under William Rosecrans
    • The Confederates laid seige to him at Chattanooga and it looked to be a confederate win
    • Then in Oct of 1863 Grant came with fresh troops and supplies and drove Bragg out into Georgia
    • The Union Army was now in control of Tennessee
  • Prisoner of War Camp Andersonville (Camp Sumter)

    Prisoner of War Camp Andersonville (Camp Sumter)
    Video- Confederate Prisioner of war camp
    - Andersonville, Georgia
    - Run by Henry Wirz
    - extreamly horrible living conditions
    - overcrowding becuase there were too many prisoners for the prison
    - There were appox. 45,000 prisioners in the camp and of those 13,000 died
    - 13,000 of those died
  • Burning Atlanta

    Burning Atlanta
    • Part of Shermans March
    • Sherman of the Union Army ordered that Atlanta be destroyed
    • Sherman caputured Atlanta on Sept. 2nd 1864
    • he stayed for 2 months
  • Sherman's March

    Sherman's March
    • Sherman was ordered to to destroy the confederate army in the west
    • Stopped by the confederate army forced to retreat atalnata
    • Sherman ordered Atlanta to be destroyed which marked that start of his amrch of destruction
    • Ended on December 21 1864
    • He then took Grants tactics from Vickburg marched towards the Atlantic coast to meet up with Grant in Shavannah, Georgia on Dec 20th 1864 destorying everything in his path
    • Then in 1865 he marched up through the Carolinas