Cover for civil war

Civil War (Simon Voura)

  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    Clip• A month after Lincoln’s election, legislators in South Carolina voted unanimously to secede; within several weeks, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas followed suit.
    • Stated in 1860 and had continued till the end of the civil war and the southern states were brought back into the Union.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    • Abraham Lincoln Was a wartime president from 1860-1865. Lincoln main goal was to end slavery and to make everyone equal back then (men), he did many things like the Emancipation Proclamation to help end slavery as well as the naval blockades.
  • Copperheads

    • Copperheads were a group of democrats located in the north that were against the civil war. They wanted piece with the confederates but didn’t want the war so others called them copperheads like the snake.
    • 1861-1865
  • General Grant

    General Grant
    • General Grant was the most famous Union general; he had lead battles that had major turning points in the war. He conquered Kentucky and most of Tennessee. One of his major accomplishments during the war was that he had made the well-known Confederate General Lee surrender at Richmond in April of 1865. He also later became the 18th president of the United States.
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis
    • Jefferson Davis was the President for the confederates. He was inaugurated on February 18th, 1861. He didn’t pay much attention to the economy, so he kept on printing money for the war effort which leads to inflation.
  • General Lee

    General Lee
    • General Lee was a military specialist who was known all over the country. When Virginia first declared secession from the union Lee was offered a job as general of the union army but declined because he wanted to follow his home state. Lee was general for the confederates starting in April of 1861.
  • Blockades

    Clip• The Union decided to do a naval tactic that involved 500 ships. It was meant to stop trade with the south and was issued by Abraham Lincoln. In the course of time they had captured or destroyed 1500 ships during the civil war.
    • April 1861 till the end of the war.
  • Slaughter at Shiloh

    Slaughter at Shiloh
    • This was a battle on april 6 1862 that was a wakeup call for the entire nation. It was a battle where the confederates wanted to launch a surprise attack on the Union. The confederates were winning the battle till their leader had died in battle, which lead the moral to believe that they couldn’t win; later on 22,500 Union reinforcements had arrived in which case the confederates slowly retreated.
  • Union Conquers New Orleans

    Union Conquers New Orleans
    • Since the Union had faced 2 forts that protected the city they were unopposed and because of this there almost no casualties in taking the city, and unlike other southern cities that got destroyed in their take overs New Orleans was not damaged.
    • April 25th – May 1st , 1862
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Clip• This was the first major battle that was fought on Union soil, it was also the bloodiest single day battle in American history with 22,717 dead, missing, or wounded. General Lee lead the battle for the south, even though the south had retreated first, which would technically mean that it was a Union victory there was a lot of death on both sides.
    • September 17th, 1862
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Clip • The emancipation proclamation was an executive order from President Abraham Lincoln that made the slaves in the ten states that were in rebellion free and as well that any suitable ex-slave could join the army and be paid. The previous owners were not reimbursed, the emancipation proclamation made it clear that the goals for the civil war were to reunite the Union and free all slaves.
    • This was issued January 1st, 1863
  • 54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

    54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
    • Authorized in March 1863, this was one of the first African American Regiments. It was also decided that all regiments were to be led by a white officer. The union had many volunteers.
  • General Stonewall Jackson

    General Stonewall Jackson
    • General Jackson was best known for his Valley campaign. People considered him as the second greatest confederate general next to General Lee. He served from the beginning of the civil war up until he was shot accidentally on May 2nd, 1863.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    • The Siege of Vicksburg, May 18th – July 4th, 1863, was the final major military action in the Vicksburg Campaign of the American Civil War. When two major assaults May 19 and May 22, 1863 against the Confederate fortifications had failed with heavy casualties, Union General Grant decided to besiege the city beginning on May 25. With no reinforcement, supplies nearly gone, and after holding out for more than forty days, the garrison finally surrendered on July 4.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    ClipThe battle of Gettysburg was a battle fought between July 1-3 1863, between the Union and the confederates. During the battle the Union was defending whereas the confederates were attacking, this 3 day battle was known as the turning point in the war because it ended General Lee’s invasion of the north. It was also involved the largest number of casualties.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    • The battle of Chattanooga was a major battle, in the fact that with the Union victory over the confederates the Union were able eliminate confederate control in Tennessee and move further south.
    • October and November of 1863
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    • The Gettysburg address was one of the most famous speeches in American history given by President Lincoln, at the Soldiers National Cemetery on November 19th, 1863. In 2 minutes Lincoln highlighted the basics of human equality in the declaration of independence and that all the civil war was about was true equality for all the citizens of the United States.
  • Prisoner of War Camp Andersonville (Camp Sumter)

    Prisoner of War Camp Andersonville (Camp Sumter)
    • Camp Sumter opened in February 1864; it was built to hold Union Prisoners. It held 45,000 prisoners and 13,000 of which died due to poor conditions.
  • Burning Atlanta

    Burning Atlanta
    • Atlanta was an important rail and commercial centre, it had a small population. On September 7th, 1864 General Sherman had control over Atlanta due to the surrender by the mayor. Sherman ordered that they burn all confederate war resources and some of the railways.
  • Sherman's March

    Sherman's March
    • This was a campaign lead by General Sherman of the Union; it was an extremely bold effort from November 15th to December 25th, 1864. He led his troops from the captured city of Atlanta and made it to the port of Savannah deep within enemy territory. On his way he damaged the confederate’s economy by distrusting industry and civilian property.