Civil War & Reconstruction Digital Timeline Assignment

  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850 prevented the Union from splitting apart. Statehood for California and allowed it as a free state and left the other pieces of territories won from Mexico to be determined by white settlers
  • Fugitive Slave Act Strengthened

    The Fugitive Slave act was strengthened from 1793, it enforced greater penalties on runaways and those who aided them.The federal marshals could force ordinary citizens to help them capture runaway slaves. The law also denied accused fugitives the right to a trial by jury.
  • California annexed by the Union

    When California was annexed by the Union, it quickly became populated enough, from the California Gold Rush, where people demanded it become a state.
  • Fredrick Douglas gave a speech that impacted America.

    What, to the Slave, is the Fourth of July,” was about Frederick Douglass seeking not only to convince people of the wrongfulness of slavery but also to make abolition more agreeable to Northern whites.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Published

    Anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe, an abolitionist.
  • Ostend Manifesto

    The Ostend Manifesto was in attempt to have Cuba (from Spain) as a slave state, it included that the island be taken by force if necessary. The Manifesto fell because northers saw it as a attempt to expand slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The act created more states open to slavery, repealing the Missouri compromise which ended the ban of slavery in the north, and it allowed white settlers to decide weather any new states could be free or slave states
  • The Republican Party formed

    Ripen, WI. The Republican Party formed to replace the Old Whig party. Anti- Slavery Whigs made a meeting and Created the republican party
  • Kansas has a anti-slavery and a Pro-slavery government

    Kansas basically contradicted with itself. Some people went against slavery while others allowed slavery. This caused many mistakes and problems to occur.
  • Raid of Anti-slavery business in Lawrence Kansas

    This was a raid that occurred in Lawrence, Kansas, led by a group of free-soilers that burned down a hotel, newspaper office, destroyed a printing press and committed other acts of violence. This happened because of the ongoing fight between slaves and confederates.
  • James Buchanan (democrat) wins Presidency

    This presidential election was before Abraham Lincoln's election; he ended up being the last president before the start of the Civil War.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    In response to the raid in Kansas by the free-soilers. John born led him and his four sons and other anti-slavery men to Pottawatomie Creek. There they dragged 5 Pro-slavery men out of their homes and brutally murdered them.
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford decision given by Supreme Court

    Dred Scott stated a case about his freedom because he was enslaved in a free state, the result of the case was the Supreme Court deeming him a slave and that blacks could not sue for their freedom and that they were not citizens. This caused an outrage among Anti-Slavery supporters.
  • Stephen Douglas beats Abraham Lincoln in the 1858 election

    This influenced Abe into running for the next election.
  • Attack on Harpers Ferry by Abolitionist John Brown

    John Brown led him and other anti-slavery men to Harpes Ferry and obtained the goal to start an “Emancipation Army”, to stop slavery in its tracks. They took two dozen hostages and killed about half and shot up Harpers ferry. John Brown was hanged afterwards.
  • Constitutional Union Party formed

    Civil War slowly began, this resulted in two parties to form. These parties were the Union and the Confederates.
  • Abraham Lincoln won the Presidency against Stephen Douglas

    This began an outrage amongst Pro-Slavery supporters. These people even tried to illegally vote which gave them the title “Border Ruffians”. Abraham had the goal to stop slavery and begin the end of the Civil War.
  • South Carolina became the first state in the nation to secede from the Union

    They were enraged at Lincoln winning the presidency. They believed their state rights allowed them to secede. Soon more southern states followed South Carolina's lead.
  • Pony Express Maximized

    The Pony Express was a mail route from the main part of the United States to New Mexico and beyond.
  • Nearly 4 million African American Slaves in the South

    This influenced and allowed slavery across the nation.
  • 1860 Alton prison camp closed

    This prison was closed to allow asylums to be used
  • Civil War starts

    started because of differences between the free and slave states. Confederates the Unionists.
  • Confederate States of America formed a temporary government in Montgomery, Alabama

    Known as the Confederates.
  • Crittenden Plan offered but defeated

    This Plan was rejected and was seen as unnecessary. It would have made slavery constitutional and declared the government removing it would be unconstitutional.
  • Lincoln officially takes office as the 16th President of the United States

    He initiated the Emancipation Proclamation Southerners were enraged at his presidential victory.
  • Battle of Battle of Vicksburg Mississippi

    • A battle that lasted to July 4,1863 and resulted in the union winning.
  • Battle of Bull Run.

    The armies were put to test. This is a famous battle that showed the individual power of the Confederates and the Unionists. The Unionists had an advantage with more men but the Confederates ended up winning the battle.
  • Hospitals began to be used en masse

    This caused many problems, but also helped restore the soldiers into full condition.
  • Confederates invade Kentucky and Lincoln drives them out

    This caused Kentucky to become a full Union and show Lincoln's Power.
  • Scott made northern game plan

    This plan was to block off Southern ports, which limited supplies for the Confederacy. Named the plan Scott's great snake and nicknamed the anaconda plan.
  • States asked the federal government

    This allowed the Union's power to rise and attack confederates.
  • Congress granted federal income tax

    This allowed the money to get more money
  • Women demanding to help during the Civil War.

    Women believed that allowing their help could benefit the battle. By being nurses and doing other jobs while the men were off at war.
  • Anderson surrendered

    Southern Forces overcame and succeed in defeating his troops at the battle of Fort Sumter.
  • Alton prison reopened

    This prisoner held confederate prisoners of war. Had small rations of food, not sanitary, diseases spread among them.
  • Trench warfare began

    This new type of warfare developed. The soldiers dug trenches. The trenches provided protection while they were shooting. It was very unsanitary and allowed diseases to travel easily due to lack of sanitation, dead bodies, lack of food and water etc.
  • Union and Confederate battles

    When war broke out among the Union and the Confederacy.
    Confederate forces running out of supplies. The Union gained the upper hand over the confederates. This changed the course of the war.
  • Congress passed the Legal Tender Act.

    The Legal Tender Act allowed the government to print 150 Million paper money that was not backed by gold or silver.
  • Confederacy passed a law requiring 10 percent of farmers' crops. This was the beginning of Farm taxing.

    This was the beginning of Farm taxing. Taxes were used for government and country. Many mixed feelings about it. Most people (farmers) weren't happy
  • The prisoner count would maximize at Camp Douglas.

    Damaging towards mental and physical health and behavior.
  • Confederate ironclad ships battle the Union ironclad.

    Boats v. Boats, this was one of the Civil War battle styles. Confederate forces destroyed bridges to change the Union's behaviour.
  • West Virginia became a part of the Union

    West Virginia, which was originally a confederate state, joined the union.
  • Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation

    From there on out slaves became freed.This allowed them to get educations and have other privileges they didn't have while being enslaved.
  • African Americans were allowed to join the (Union) army

    This allowed Union to have another advantage with more troops
  • Fort Wagner prepared for battle

    Led by 54th Massachusetts. Battle was unsuccessful
  • Vicksburg became a confederate stronghold

    Led to Battle of Vicksburg. This battle changed the course of the confederates plans.
  • Union forces commanded by general grant tried to gain a vantage point.

    This allowed them to have a chance to fight back against the Confederates.
  • Men ages 20-45 allowed to join army

    This gave U.S. one of highest pick rankings for soldiers. Many could go to war.
  • Gettysburg address was appointed by Abraham Lincoln.

    This appointed the removal of Union Soldiers.
  • Congress granted equal pay to soldiers

    This allowed Blacks and whites to have the same pay, originally blacks were payed less.
  • Elmira Prison was opened

    Elmira Prison was used to hold prisoners of war.

    Lincoln won against democracy party.
  • president Lincoln named Ulysses the victor of Vicksburg

    Grant inspired Lincoln. Later Grant would be nominated for president
  • Grant sent general William to deliver destruction to the heart of the confederacy

    The beginning of the end for the confederacy
  • the great armies of Grant and Sherman received a hero’s welcome in Washington D.C.

    Considered heros of the war.
  • 13th Amendment added to constitution

    Said slavery was unconstitutional and was illegal. Unless enforced labor as punishment for breaking law, this was the loop hole. People still had to do enslaved labor if were arrested.
  • Congress created the Bureau of Refugees

    This was also known as the Freedmen's bureau.
  • General William T. Sherman issued special field order No.15.

    This was an order that directed the choice of America's behavior.
  • Civil War Ended

    The Union won against the Confederates. Some fighting didn't know it was over till a week later
  • Civil Rights created

    All men had their rights no matter race
  • Reconstruction Acts

    These were established and were planned to help rebuild America.
    Planned to help see all races as equal and allow blacks to be treated equally.
  • Rise of Klu Klux Klan.

    The Klu Klux Klan were people who had racist beliefs and hated Africans. Most were pro-slaavery and southerners.
  • Ulysses S. Grant became president of the United States.

    Election of 1868. Appointed by Abe Lincoln. Abraham liked him so much that he granted (No pun intended) him the presidency. Defeated Seymour.
  • Establishment of 15 amendment

    The 15th amendment was an amendment that allowed all races and sex’s to vote. Laws started to pass saying you have to pay tax to vote trying to restrict black voting/power.
  • Bureau established education system

    New towns and cities were made which all had schools.
  • Enforcement Acts

    Acts that protected African Americans right to vote
  • First Africans to serve congress.

    This had shown that equality had grown amongst America.
  • Liberal Republicans defeated or broke away from the Republican Party.

    These were people who chose to be more democratic.
  • 1873 Panic

    Money problems. Banks all across America were running out of money and resulted in a crash.