Civil War Reconstruction

  • Compromise of 1850

  • Period: to

    Ironclad Ships

    These ships were used in the Civil War because they were resistant to artillery.
  • California Admitted as a Free State

    California Admitted as a Free State
  • Republican Party Founded

  • Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

  • James Buchanan Elected President

  • Lawrence, Kansas, raided by slavery supporters.

  • Senator Sumner attacked in the Senate

  • Dred Scott Case

  • Buchanan takes office

  • Period: to

    Raid on Harper's Ferry

  • The Clotilda, the Last Slave Ship

    The Clotilda was last seen in Mobile Bay, July 1860, it transported 110 African Slaves.
  • South Carolina Secession

    The announcement made by South Carolina stating that they are leaving the Union.
  • The Battle of Bull Run

  • Gettysburg Adress

  • Robert E. Lee Surrenders

  • The End of the Civil War

  • The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

  • White Mobs attacked African American men, women, and children and rioted.

  • African American Men are granted the right to vote in Washington D.C.

  • The First Decoration day was observed in the United States, memorizing Civil War veterans.

  • National convention of black leaders meet in Washington D.C.

  • 15th Amendment Ratified to the U.S. Constitution

  • The federal government took federal action against the KKK.

  • The Freedman's Bureau set up during reconstruction is ended.

  • Ulysses S. Grant wins a secret term by a landslide.

  • A stock market crashed sets off the Panic of 1873, one of the great financial panics of the 19th Century.

  • U.S. dollar coin or silver dollar becomes legal US tender.

  • United States Congress passes the Civil Rights Act.

  • Rutherford B. Hayes wins the election.

  • Compromise of 1877