Civil War Reconstruction

  • Robert E Lee surrenders

    General Lee Surrendered to General Grant at the Appomattox court house
  • Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

    The 16th President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated in Ford Theater by John Wilkes Booth.
  • 13th Amendment Ratified

    The 13th Amendment is ratified
  • Memphis Street Riots

    Whits rioted and killed 46 African Americans and destroyed 90 buildings
  • Wade Hampton inaugurated as governor

    The election of Hampton a leader in the Confederacy confirms fears that the South is not committed to Reconstruction
  • Disputed Presidential election

    Republicans challenged the validity of the voting in South Carolina Florida and Louisiana.
  • President Johnsons Impeachment Trial

    President Johnson was getting impeached for crimes
  • First African Senator is elected

    The first African American senator is elected
  • Fifteenth Amendment ratified

    vote to all male citizens regardless of racer or previous condition of servitude
  • Ku Klux Klan is made

    White supremacist group started in Tennessee.