Formation of the Confederacy
The confederate states were formed almost immediatly after President Licolns election. They belived that Lincoln was going to take thier slaves. -
Davis's inagural adress
Im not really sure how to explain this. Just two months before the actual start of the civil war Davis gave his Inagural adress as the president of the confederacy. By this point there was already 7 states that had succeeded. -
Lincoln's inaugural address
Lincoln assured the southern sates that he would not get rid of slavery. He only wanted to staop the growth of it. He also stated that succesion was not constitutional and that if the southern states where to succeed that he would have to use force if neccicary. -
Battle of Fort Sumter
Lasted until April 14, 1861. Took place in South Carolina. The Confederates won. There was no causualties. Lincoln decided to resupply the fort that would cause the war to start. Lincoln did this anyways. On the 12th of April the Confederate Forces fired on the fort starting the civil war. -
Battle of Bull Run
Other wise known as Battle of first Manassas. It was the first major battle of the American Civil war. The Northern Press, and the public were eager for this to happen. Took place in Virginia. The Confederates won. The unions battle strategy was to take the confederate capital, Richmond, and qiuckly end the war. However that didnt go as planned and the confederate forces forced the union army to retreate. -
Battle of Antietam
Also known as the Battle of sharpsburg. It was the single bloodiest day of the war.There was over 23,000 casualties that day. It took place in Maryland. General Lee invaded the north. However the union was victorious. The Union staopped the invasion and Lincoln isuued the emancipation proclomation. -
Emancipation Proclamation
It stated that all slaves were free in the states that rebelled against the union. This caused alot of slaves to flee the plantations. This messed up the southern economy. -
Battle of Vicksburg
This battle lasted until July 4th of the same year. -
Battle of Gettysburg
Turning point of the war!!! Took place in Pennsylvania. The union won. Lee wanted to cut of the union from Washigton D.C., but after suffering 3 whole days of heavy casualties he retreated. Union General, George McClellan had a chance to take out the retreating army and possibly end the war. However he did not do that so Lincoln fired him. (after this battle Lee never invaded the north again) -
Gettysburg Address
Lincoln spoke of all the soldiers who fought in the battle of Gettysburg. He used this speach to raise everyones spirits and patriotism. He spoke of a task ahead. This taks was uniting the United states and finishing the war. -
March to the Sea
It lasted until December 21, 1864. Union General William T. Sherman led 60,000 soldiers from Atlanta to Savanna Gerogia. They cut through the confederate states cutting telegraph lines, ripping up railroads, and burning everything in sight. -
Lincoln’s second inaugural address
Instead on speaking of only keeping the Union together he spoke of the sins of slavery. He stated,"One-eighth of the population were colored slaves....All knew that this.. was somehow the cause of the war." -
Appomattox Court House
The destruction of the south caused most southerners to lose hope. More than half of the Confederate soilders desterted the Army and returned home. In April 1865, Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy fell to the Union army. Lee met Grant at the Appomattox Court House and surrendered. Lee and his army were pardoned and the Union took their weapons.