Civil War part 1

By jam4073
  • South Carolina Secedes

    After Abraham Lincoln won the election in November of 1860, that gave SC a reason to secede. The state had already made multiple threats to secede after the Nullification Crisis of the 1830's and this was the final breaking point. Would kickstart other states leaving the Union,
  • Confederate States form

    GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, TX, VA, AR, TN, and NC had also seceded from the Union. They met in Montgomery to draft a new constitution. Jefferson Davis was elected president.
  • Lincoln Inauguration

    Lincoln inaugurated after Confederate states had alrady split, so he was president of a split country. His goal from the beginning was to reunite the country in any way possible. Although he was against slavery, he did not take direct actions to end it.
  • Fort Sumter

    Union refused to surrender fort. Lincoln was peacefully moving supplies to the fort, but the South believed it to be an attack. The Confederacy decided to fire first. Thus the Civil War began
  • Lincoln Suspends habeas corpus

    In addition to claiming martial law as president, Lincoln suspended habeas corpus. He believed suspending the rules was the only way to stop rebellion in south/ border states. It was in response of the arrest of John Merryman who was a secessionist from Maryland
  • Ironclad Battle

    Battle Between Merrimack and Monitor. This was the first battle between 2 ironclad ships. These boats were stronger and would ultimately lead to the success of US navy
  • Capture of New Orleans

    This weakened the Confederacy. The union restricted trade on the Mississippi, which stopped supply lines. THe Union then devised battle plans to attack Confederate area from all sides
  • Homestead Act

    followed through REpublican campaign policy. It gave land to western movers (especially immigrants). In addition it halted slavery fro mspreading in western territory because farmers were poor.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Known as the single bloodiest day of any battle. Union pushed Confederate retreat across Potomac. Confederate retreat gave Union moral confidence and Lincoln released Emancipation Proclamation later.
  • Battle of Fredricksburg

    General Burnside could not remove South forces and suffered defeat. Ultimately Burnside was replaced by General Hooker. Significance showed how the Union struggled with good generals. Confederate forces had early successes in the war.