civil war online timeline

By jdietz
  • Period: to

    civil war

  • fort sumtter

    fort sumtter
    april 12,1861 to april 14,1861. presdient lincoln sends a ship to resupply the federal fort. believing the ship had troops and weapons the confederacy fired on the fort. due to the attack on the fort, lincoln calls up 75000 troops and the boreder states such as virginia
  • first battle of bull run

    first battle of bull run
    McDowells union focrce struck on july 21. shelling the emney across Bull Run while more troops crossed the river. McDowell thn in command of the 35,000 union volunteer troops gatheredin the federal capital
  • shiloh

    also know as the battle of Pittsburg Landing. was the second great engagment of the American Civil War. After initial successes the Confrederates were unable to hpold their postitons and were forced back, resulting in a uion victory. both sides suffer heavy losses, with more than 23,000 total casulties
  • Hampton Roads

    Hampton Roads
    Was a battle between the Monitor and Merrimack during the American Civil War. The Union ironclad Monitor, under the command of Lieutenant John Worden, arrived the same night. The 172-foot "Yankee Cheese Box on a raft", with its water-level decs and armoured revolving hun turret.
  • Antietam

    Generals Robert E. Lee and George McClellan faced off near Antietam creek in Sharpsburg, Maryland, in the first battle of the American Civil War to be fought on northern soil. The result of the battle was inconclusive, it remains the bloodiest single day in American history, with more than 22,000 casualties. A major factor was when lee's copy of his plans was lost and then found by the northerns.
  • Fredericksburg

    the battle of fredericksburg was a cruahing defeat for the union, whoes soldiers fought courageously and well but fell victim to mimsanagement by their fenerals, including confused orders for burnside to franklin. the union had suffered nearly 13,000 casualties, most of them in front of Marye's Heights while the confederatas counted fewer then 5,000
  • Chancellorsville

    Considered to be Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's greatest victory during the American Civil War. It was considered this becuase he was faceing a army twice the size of his own forces. Lee split his forces in two, not once but twice it was very coragous of him to do this and very riskey. But it paid off when he forced Hooker to retreat across the rappahannock river. He might have won the battle but he lost one of his most trusted Generals after being shot by friendly fire during the fight
  • Vicksburg

    After the spring of 1862, when the confederates loast fort Henry,
    For Donelson, and Memphis in Tennessee and New Orleans in Louisiana, Vicksburg became the key remaining point of their defense of the Mississippi River.
  • gettysburg

    this battle was won at the same time as the battle of new orlands. on june 28 lincoln named Major Genral George Gordon Meade to succeed Hooker. Meade immediately ordered the pursuit of Lee's army of 75,000 which by then had crossed the Potomac River into Maryland and marched on into southern Pennsylvania.
  • chickamuga

    on the first day of the battle, Bragg's men repeatedly attacked the union left anchored by a large union crops led by George Thoms. with reinforcements sent in by Rosecrand Thomas was able to hold his position for the most part with heavy losses on both sides.
  • Wilderness

    In February 1864, President Abraham Lincoln appointed Ulysses S. Grant as commander in chief of all Union armies in the Civil War. After doing this General Grant began planning a major offensive, and to Class with Lee head on to defend the capital. The Battle of the Wilderness ended in a draw, though the Union Army suffered more than 17,500 casualties over the two days of fighting, But the feds lost more than 7,000 less than the union did.
  • spotsylvania

    for the next 12 days, spotsylvania court house saw some of the bloodiest fighting of the Civil War, with some 18,000 Union and 11,000 Confederatecasualties on may 9 Grant sent the Army of the potomacs 2nd Crops, led by winfield Scoot handcok, to turn the Conederates left; lee was able to counter the movemonet on may 10.
  • petersburg

    on June 9, 1864 the Union army began a siege of the two cities, with both sides rapidly constructing fortifications 35 miles long. in a series of battle that summer, Union losses were heavy, but, by ther end of august General Ulysses S. Grant had crossed the Petersburg-Weldon Railroad: he captured Fort Harrison on september 29. Lee had 50,000 troops. Grant had 120,000 troops
  • Sherman's March

    Sherman's March
    General Sherman and his troops Captured Atlanta on September 2, 1864. This was a inportant goal, becuase Atlanta was a main railroad base and the industrial center of the feds army. It included factories. warehouses and foundries that kept the feds army supplied with all the goods they needed. Sherman introduced the idea of total war and came into effect in Georgia it was introduced to hurt the morale of the southerners and to cut off supplies and disrupt communication.
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Lincoln's Assassination
    Learning that Lincoln was to attend Laura Keene's acclaimed performance of "Our American Cousin" at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C., on April 14, Booth—himself a well-known actor at the time—made possible assassination of Lincoln, Vice President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William H. Seward. By murdering the president and two of his possible successors, He did this so there would not be any successors that had the same mindset as Lincoln himself therefore putting the Usa in dissaray