Period: to
Civil War
Fort Sumter
April 12th 1861 to April 14th 1861
Prsident Lincoln sends a ship to resupply the federal fort. believing the ship had troops and weapongs, the conferacy fired on the fort. Due to the attack on the fort, Lincoln calls up 75,000 troops and some of hte boreder states such as Virgina secede. -
April 6th 1862- April 7th 1862
Second great engagement of the American Civil War
The Confererates had acknoledged the importace of these forts by abandoning their strong position at Columbus, Kentucky, and evacuating Nashville.
Both sides had claimed victory, it was a confererate failure. -
First Bull Run
July 21,1861 to August 30, 1862
Lincoln removed Mcdowell from command and replaced him with George B. McCelellan, who would retrain and reorganize union troups defending washington into a fighting force. The first battle of bull run was the first major land based confrontation of the american civil war. -
September 17th 1862- September 17th 1862
The first battle of the American Civil War to be fought on northern soil.
Though the result of the battle was inconclusive, it remains the bloodiest single day in American history, with more than 22,000 casualties.
General Robert E. Lee advanced into Maryland, believing that the potential strategic and political gains justified his defiance of the avowed Confederate defensive policy. -
June 9, 1864 to April 9, 1865
The union army started a war between two cities. At the end of August General Ulysses S. Grant got a cross to Petersburgh. Lee had 50,000 troops and Grant had 120,000. Lee told President Jefferson Davis that the cities could not fight anymore and they surrendered the next day.