Civil War Major Events

  • Lincoln is Elected

    It was a big deal that Lincoln was elected president, because the southern states pretty much new for a fact, that he would abolish slavery. Because of this, after he was elected president, the first states to secede left after only a little over a month. He is known for being honest Abe, but during his election, he was a politician. He is one of five presidents who were elected with less than 50 percent of the vote. (The south secedes)
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina was the first state to secede from the nation. The vote was 169-0. By February 1st, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas had all joined South Carolina in the secession from the United States. They all left before Lincoln took office, but after he was elected. (The South Secedes)
  • The Confederation is Formed

    The first state (South Carolina) left the US in December, and they had to convince other states to join them. They did this by sending letters to their legislature telling them about what bad thing Lincoln would do. Some of these include aboloshing slavery, and states rights. There were a total of 11 states in the confederation. These include Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana,Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. (Confederate States of America)
  • The Civil War Begins

    The civil war was officially declared by Abraham Lincoln. He declared war in response to the confederate attack on fort Sumter. In Lincoln’s proclamation of war, he also asked for a militia of 75,000 men. In his proclamation, he stated: “In virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution, convene both Houses of Congress.” (Civil War Timeline)
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    This battle took place in Manassas, Virginia. The Union forces of 35,000 greatly out weighed the confederate forces of 20,000. The general for the Union side was McDowell; the opposing sides general was Joseph E. Johnston. The two generals fought hard however McDowell and his forces prevailed winning the battle for the Union(History).
  • Nevada Battles: Monitor and Merrimac

    This Naval battle took place off the harbors of Hampton Roads, Virginia. The commanding officer Buchanan engaged 188 Confederate personnel. The commanding officer for the Union was John Worden. The Confederates had naval power going into this. After the battle there were 269 Union casualties and 24 Confederate casualties. Despite the differences in casualties neither ships had armor piercing rounds to pierce the hull of the others boat so the battle went down as inconclusive(battlefields).
  • Battle of Shiloh

    This battle took place in Hardin, Tennessee. The Union forces again outnumbered the confederate forces. General Grant’s 65,085 Union personnel vs General Johnstons 44,968 confederate forces. In the end General Grant’s experience, intelligence, and more fire power got him the win in battle and destroyed the Confederate morale(battlefields).
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    This battle took place in Manassas, Virginia. The Confederate forces led by Robert E. Lee and the Union forces led by generals Pope and McClellan fought it out. The Confederates faced many casualties coming in at about 9,000. However Lee’s strategic offensive surprised the Union forces that were almost double his own force. This strategy won him this battle.
  • Battle of Antietam

    This battle took place in Sharpsburg, Maryland. The Confederate forces were led by general John Walker and General Lee. On the other side General McCellan thought that there would be more enemies so he brought many Union troops. By the end of the day 23,000 casualties were counted and 3,650 were dead. And when the dust settled it was a win for McClellan and the union army(history).
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The emancipation Proclamation made it so the slaves in the South were free. This is kind of perplexing because the south is not listening to the rules that the north makes. He did it for two main reasons. In order to keep other nations from interfering in the war, he needed to make it about slavery. The second reason is that when southern slaves come to northern soldiers, the soldiers can give them weapons and have them fight for the Union. (The Emancipation Proclamation)