Civil War-kyle lund B3

  • the first election of president Abraham Lincoln

    the first election of president Abraham Lincoln
    the first election of president Abraham Lincoln
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina secedes from the Union
    South Carolina secedes from the Union
  • Mississippi secedes from the Union

    Mississippi secedes from the Union
    Mississippi from the Union
  • Florida secedes from the Union

    Florida secedes from the Union
    Florida seceds from the Union.
  • Alambama secedes from the Union

    Alambama secedes from the Union
    Alabama secedes from the Union
  • Georgia secedes from the Union

    Georgia secedes from the Union
    Georgia secedes from the union
  • Lousiana secedes from the Union

    Lousiana secedes from the Union
    Lousiana secedes from the Union
  • Texas secedes from the Union

    Texas secedes from the Union
    Texas secedes from the Union
  • Confederate States of America is formed and Jefferson Davis is named its president.

    Confederate States of America is formed and Jefferson Davis is named its president.
    Confederate states of America is formed and Jefferson Davis is named its president
  • Attack on Fort Sumter by the confederacy

    Attack on Fort Sumter by the confederacy
    General P.G.T. Beuaregard in charge of the confederate forces, opened fire on fort sumter. At 2:30 P.M. Major Robert Anderson surrendered and the fort was evacuated the next day.
  • Period: to

    The Attack on Fort Sumter by the Condfederacy

  • The surrender of Fort Sumter to the Confederacy

    The surrender of Fort Sumter to the Confederacy
    The surrender of Fort Sumter to the Confederacy
  • Virginia secedes from the Union

    Virginia secedes from the Union
    Virginia secedes from the Union
  • Arkansas secedes from the Union

    Arkansas secedes from the Union
    Arkansas secedes from the Union
  • Tennesse secedes from the Union

    Tennesse secedes from the Union
    Tennesse secedes from the Union
  • North Carolina secedes from the Union

    North Carolina secedes from the Union
    North Carolina secedes from the Union
  • First Battle of Bull Run or First Manassas

    First Battle of Bull Run or First Manassas
    This was the first major land battle. The confederates won this first battle
  • Gen. Ulysses S. Grant gets Union victories at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in Tennesse

    Gen. Ulysses S. Grant gets Union victories at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in Tennesse
    Gen. Ulyses S. grant gets Union victories at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in Tennesse.
  • Battle of the Ironclads

    Battle of the Ironclads
    The Battle of the zironclads was a battle fought on water. The battle ended in a draw
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Ironclads

  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    There was 40,000 confederate soliders, and 40,000 union reinforcement soliders showed up for the battle. It turned out to be the bloodiest battle in American history. The union won the battle of Shiloh
  • Period: to

    Battle of Shiloh

  • David Farragut and the Union Navy captures the seaport of New Orleans

    David Farragut and the Union Navy captures the seaport of New Orleans
    David Farragut and the Union Navy caotures the seaport of New Orleans
  • General Robert E. Lee is given command of the army of Northern Virginia

    General Robert E. Lee is given command of the army of Northern Virginia
    General Robert E. Lee is given command of the army of Northern Virginia.
  • The 7 Days Battle

    The 7 Days Battle
    The seven days battle was a grusome battle fought in richmond, Virginina
  • Period: to

    The 7 Days Battle

  • Second Battle of Bull Run or Second Manassas

    Second Battle of Bull Run or Second Manassas
    The 2nd manassas was almost a repeat of the 1st manassas . When Jackson sent his army he did not see longstreet's army and Longstreet's army blew a devestating blow to the left flank. The confederates won this bloody battle.
  • Period: to

    Second Battle of Bull Run or Second Manassas

  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    sharpsburg,maryland George McClellan pushed back Robet E Lees forces. This bloody battle ended in a draw. The draw gave Lincoln enough time to issue the emanciation procilmation.
  • Battle of Fredricksburg

    Battle of Fredricksburg
    Burnside sent a corps to occupy the vicinity near Fredricksburg. Lee entrenched his army behind town. The battle of fredricksburg ended bad for the confederates, Thomas R.R. Cobb, and Maxey Gregg were killed. the union won this battle.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Fredricksburg

  • Presdient Lincoln issues the Emanciation Procilmation

    Presdient Lincoln issues the Emanciation Procilmation
    President Lincoln issues the Emanciation Procilmation.
  • The Union enacts or passes a law creating the first military draft of men into the army

    The Union enacts or passes a law creating the first military draft of men into the army
    The Union enacts or passes a law creating the first military draft of men into the army.
  • The battle of chancelloersville

    The battle of chancelloersville
    Major General Jospeh Hooker placed his troops on Lee's troops. Rather than Lee retreat He opted to attack hooker while he was still in the forest. The confederates won with a devestating blow.
  • Period: to

    The battle of chancellorsville

  • Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson dies

    Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson dies
    COnfederate general Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson dies
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    The confederates under command of general Robert E Lee captured devils den, and peach orchard. But they failed to dilodge union members. On July,3, fighting raged at Culps hill, as the union regained lost ground. Lee attacked the union center and was repulsed in what is known as pickett's charge. An estimated 51,000 confederate troops were dead, wounded, or captured. This was a big loss for the confederates.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Gettysburg

  • The Fall or Capture of Vicksburg

    The Fall or Capture of Vicksburg
    Vicksburg was the last confederate strong hold
  • The fall or capture of vicksburg

    The fall or capture of vicksburg
    Grant's troops converged and trapped a confederate army.
  • the opening of the Confederate prisoner of war camp Andersonville

    the opening of the Confederate prisoner of war camp Andersonville
    The opening of the confederate prisoner of war camp andersonville.
  • Battles at the Wilderness

    Battles at the Wilderness
    The two armies started fighting in the dense thickets called the Wilderness of Spotsylvania. Though a very bloody massacre the North won this battle.
  • Period: to

    Battles at the wilderness

  • Battle at Spotsylvania

    Battle at Spotsylvania
    Grant marched his troops south with the hope of capturing spotsylvania. Lee managed to get ahead and block the road. for two weeks they fought.
  • Period: to

    Battle at Spotsylvania

  • Battle at Cold Harbor

    Battle at Cold Harbor
    General Sheridan's calvary seizedthe vital crossroads of Old Cold Harbor. After delaying the attack made trenches. On june 3rd the Union troops were slaughetered.
  • Period: to

    Battle at Cold Harbor

  • President Lincoln is re-elected for a 2nd term.

    President Lincoln is re-elected for a 2nd term.
    President Lincoln is re-elected for a 2nd term.
  • Union General William T. SHerman burns Atlanta, Ga. to the ground and begins his march to the sea.

    Union General William T. SHerman burns Atlanta, Ga. to the ground and begins his march to the sea.
    Union General William T. Sherman burns Atlanta, Georgia to the ground and begins his march to the sea.
  • Union General William T. SHerman finishes his march to the sea and captures Savannah, Georgia

    Union General William T. SHerman finishes his march to the sea and captures Savannah, Georgia
    Union General William T. Sherman finishes his march to the sea and captures savannah, Georgia
  • Battle at Petersburg

    Battle at Petersburg
    The 5,400 soliders of Petersburg were driven back. The II, XI, and V corps attacked from right to left.
  • The Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia falls or is captured by the union army

    The Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia falls or is captured by the union army
    The confederate capitol of Richmond, Virginia falls or is capturedby the unon army.
  • The Confederacy and General Robert E. Lee. surrender to Grant at Appomattox courthouse, VA

    The Confederacy and General Robert E. Lee. surrender to Grant at Appomattox courthouse, VA
    The Confederacy and Robert E. Lee surrender to Grant at Appomattox courthouse, VA.
  • President Lincoln dies and Vice President Andrew Johnson takes over as president of the U.S.

    President Lincoln dies and Vice President Andrew Johnson takes over as president of the U.S.
    President Lincoln dies and Vice President Andrew Johnson takes over as president of the U.S.