civil war (H6)

  • compermise of 1850

    devision over slavery and territies and the mexican american war.
  • dred scott

    he was a run away slave who had a deep hatred for slavery.
  • election of ab. lincon

    he was elected presiedent in 1860 and he wanted to abolish slavery and also was assisinated by jon wilks booth.
  • confeteracy formed

    representatives from the six seceded states met in Montgomery, Alabama, to formally establish a unified government
  • war of getyingsburg

    this was the bloodest battle of the war. and was also the turning point of the war because after this war the north begn to win.
  • shermans march

    sherman marched all the way down to the savvannah coast and on his way he burnt and and destroyed citys and also bent all rail roads.
  • slavery is abolished

    The Thirteenth Amendment is ratified by the States. Slavery is abolished
  • KKK

    extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party's Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.