civil war

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise between slave and free states
  • Dred scott trial verdict

    Dred scott trial verdict
    The court decides that Dred Scott is to still be a slave
  • John Brown's raid on Harper's ferry

    John Brown's raid on Harper's ferry
    John Brown raided Harper's ferry and captured hostages but was eventually captured.
  • Fort Sumter is fired upon

    Fort Sumter is fired upon
    The Confederates fire upon a union fort.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    A confederate victory where the Union soldiers were caught by surprised and slow to react
  • Battle Of Antietam

    Battle Of Antietam
    The first field battle to take place on union soil and was the bloodiest single day battle in American history.
  • The Emancipation proclamation

    A proclamation that freed nearly 3 million slaves.
  • Seige of Vicksburg

    The Union drove the Confederates back into defensive lines surrounding the city of Vicksburg.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    A battle between the union and the confederates had the most casualties of the entire war.
  • Battle of Missionary Ridge

    The Union assaulted missionary ridge and drove the confederate army back from Tennessee to Georgia.
  • The XIIIth Amendament

    The XIIIth Amendament
    The 13th amendment abolished slavery
  • Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

    Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
    Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant.
  • Abraham Lincoln's assasination

    Abraham Lincoln's assasination
    John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln in a theater
  • Reconstruction act of 1867

    Reconstruction act of 1867
    A series of statutes meant to help rebuild the country after the civil war.
  • Election of 1876

    Samuel J. Tilden outpolled Rutherford B. Hayes.
  • Andrew Johnson's impeachment

    Andrew Johnson was impeached