Civil War

By bmx_oss
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    Runaway slaves would be caught in the North and returned to the South.
  • US Supreme Court

    US Supreme Court
    They ruled that since slaves were property, they could not become free just by being in a free state
  • Raid

    John Brown led a raid on federal armory in Harper's Ferry, Virginia.
  • Election

    Abraham Lincoln became the presidential candidate for the election.
  • Secession

    Southern states were upset and South Carolina seceded. Soon Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida seceded.
  • Beginning

    Lincoln sent supplies to the fort, but the confederate forces blocked the supplies.
  • Fire

    Confederate forces opened fire on Fort Sumter. The Civil War officially began.
  • Capture

    Gen. William Sherman led the Union Army in capturing Atlanta, GA.
  • South Prices

    South Prices
    Prices of goods began to rise and by 1865 prices had increased 9000%.
  • Freedmen Bureau

    Freedmen Bureau
    Congress formed Freedman Bureau. Which gave the 4 million free slaves a chance for clothes, food and medicine.
  • Surrender

    General Lee surrendered his army at the Appomattox Court House. Civil War officially over.
  • Death at the Play

    Death at the Play
    President Lincoln was shot by John Booth as he watched a play at Fords Theater. Died early the next day.
  • Amendment

    The 14th amendment was passed and gave African American's citizenship.
  • Another Amendment

    Another Amendment
    The 15th Amendment guaranteed all men the right to vote.
  • Reconstruction Ends

    Reconstruction Ends
    Union soldiers left the South. Public School systems were established and Industries expanded.