Election of 1860
Abe Lincoln is elected president -
South Carolina secedes from the union -
Ship Fired Upon
The USS Star of the West is fired upon in Charkeston Harbor -
Mill's Spring
Mill's Spring is the site of another scirmish -
Davis Inauguration
Davis is inaugurated president of the CSA -
Lincoln inauguration
Lincoln is inaugurated as persident -
Fort Sumter
Confederate fire on Fort Sumter, officially beginnning the war. -
Fort Sumter Falls
The fort surrenders to confederate forces -
Volunteers Demanded
Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteers -
Farewell Virginia
Virginia secedes from the union andsoonafter joins the confederacy. -
West Virginia
West Virgina creates its own government -
Wilson's Creek
A battle is fought at Wilson's Creek in the South -
Ball's Bluff
A strategic battle is fought in the region known as Ball's Bluff -
Fort Henry Falls
The fort is taken after an intense battle -
Big battle around Shiloh church -
Farragut Takes Orleans
The Union takes New Orleans under the leadership of Farragut -
A battle is fought at the historic Williamsburg area -
Lee in Command
Robert E Lee takes command over confederate forces -
Bull Run
Major Confederate win boosts morale -
Harper's Ferry
Harper's Ferry falls to the Confederates -
The bloodiest single day battle of the warsends in a tie -
Lincoln proclaims southern slaves free with his famous Emancipation Proclamation -
Virginia Riots
Bread riots occur in starved Virginian lands -
Stonewall Jackson is killed by friendly fire at this long battle -
Jackson Dies
Jackson dies from his wounds at Chancellorsville. A huge confederate loss -
Mobile Bay
Union gains more momentum in the deep south with this battle -
West Virginia II
West Virginia is admitted to the Union -
The Union victory here turns the tide of the war -
Grant wins a big victory at the Mississippi River -
New York, New York
Draft riots break out in the big city -
The war rages on with another long battle at Chickamauga -
Gettysburg Address
Lincoln deticates the battlefield with the most famous speech in American history -
The fighting remains fixed in the South with the battle of Chatenooga -
Fort Pillow
Union forces take Fort Pillow -
Atlanta Campaign
The Atlanta campaign begins -
Petersburg Attacks
Union forces begin attackingPetersburg -
Battle of Atlanta
Union gets a strong foothold by taking Atlanta -
Fort Harrison
Union continues to gain a handle on the south -
Grant solidifies possition -
Lincoln II
Lincoln defeats Mcllelan in election -
March to Sea
Sherman begins his famous March to Sea -
Grant makes his way south through this battle -
Fort Fisher
The Union captures Fort Fisher -
Peace Negotiations
A conference for making peace is finally held -
Lincoln back in town
Lincoln is inaugurated for his second term -
Richmond Falls
Davis flees capital as it falls to the Union -
Lincoln in Richmond
Lincoln visits the aftermath of the Richmond seige -
Lincoln dies
Lincoln dies from the gunshot wound -
Lee gives in
Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse -
Booth is a dork
booth shoots lincoln at Ford's Theater -
Booth killed
Booth is trackeddown and shot by Union troops -
Davis is Done
Jefferson Davis is captured in Gerogia