Civil War

  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    First shot fired. Large union recruitancy.
  • Bull Run/ Manassas

    Bull Run/ Manassas
    -Union troops push south back in the start.
    - Unoin failed cause south pushed back.
  • Fort Donelson

    Fort Donelson
    -Lost 1000 men (union)
    -3000 wounded (union)
  • U.S.S Monitor vs. C.S.S Virgina

    U.S.S Monitor vs. C.S.S Virgina
    • Marked end up woudenships. -Union experimented
  • Shiloh

    -200,000 soliders dedd orr wounded.
  • Shenandoah

    Benfiding from their knowledge by hiding and escaping
  • Antitam

    Lee Fled
  • Gettysburg

    Turning point of the war.
  • Vicksburg

    Union lost a leader . Lost half of the troops
  • Fort Wagner

    Union attacked fort wanger
    Conferacy pulsed the union attack.
  • Shermans March

    Taking Or Destroying everything
  • Apppmattox Courthouse

    The confedate was tired, hungry, and demoralized