• Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    P.G.T. Beauregard attacked Fort Sumter under command of Jefferson Davis. After two days of bombardment, the fort surrendered.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

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    Naval Blockade

    Lincoln officially blocks all major southern ports. The south can no longer transport cotton.
  • Seven Pines Battle

    Seven Pines Battle
    George McClellan advances union army, engages in combat with Robert E Lee near Richmond, Virginia. After two days of battle, McClellan retreats.
  • Mississippi River

    Mississippi River
    Union gains complete dominance of the Mississppi River.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Ulysses S Grant had moved deep into Tenessee. P.G.T. Beuregars launched a suprise attack but was defeated.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The bloodiest single day battle in the in tire war, the battle of Antietam took the lives of 22,717 Americans. After chasing Robert E. Lee for a few days, Geogre B. McClellan attacked with flanking. Robert E. Lee was forced to retreat.
  • Emancipatation Proclamation

    Emancipatation Proclamation
    The Emancipatation Proclamation was signed by Abraham Linclon January 1, 1863. This declared all slaves free. Encouraged slaves to go north.
  • Battle of Five Forks

    Battle of Five Forks
    Know as the 'Waterloo of the Civil War', this was the final battle before the end of the Civil War. After digging a two mile long trench for his soldiers he left them waiting for the Union. Without if forming anyone, General Picket left to enjoy some brandy with friends. Without a leader, the Confederacy lost.
  • End of War

    Robert E Lee, after being surrounded by the Union, surrendered. This practically ended the war.
  • The Death of the President

    John Wilkies Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln during a movie. Lincoln died of his injuries the next day.