Civil War

By 202147
  • 16th President

    16th President
    Abraham was named the 16th President on March 4, 1861
  • Attack at Fort Sumter

    Attack at Fort Sumter
    The leader of the Confederacy, Pierre Beauregard, opened fire on the Union. This is when the Civil War began.
  • Shiloh

    Confederate surprised an attack on the Union. there was 13,000 killed and wounded Union soldiers and 10,000 Confederates.
  • Antietam

    the bloodiest day in the history of the U.S. Military was on September 17, 1862 during the battle of Antietam. there was 26,000 men dead, injured, or missing
  • Fredricksburg

    Robert E. Lee's army successfully held off an assault by Ambrose Burnside's Army. The Confederates won.
  • Chancellorsville

    General Stonewall Jackson is wounded by his own army. The Union retreated.
  • Gettysburg

    the battle of Gettysburg had the largest numbers of deaths in the Civil War. There was over 54,000 deaths.
  • chickamauga

    Confederate won leaving Union Army trapped in Chattanooga, Tennessee under confederate Army
  • Chattanooga

    The Confederate Siege ends and Union Troops avenge their defeat at Chickamauga.
  • Cold Harbor

    Cold Harbor
    A mistake by Grant result in 7,000 Union Casualties during an offensive against Rebels.
  • disgrace for all

    disgrace for all
    Abraham Lincoln was shot while in a theater with his wife by John Wilcons
  • freedom

    The thirteenth Amendment was passed and slavery was abolished