Civil war opener

Civil War

  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861 when the Union fought the Confederacy in South Carolina and lost. It began when Southerners began firing at Fort Sumter.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    The Union army, led by General McDowell, drove back Confederate forces, which were led by General Beaugard. However, when more troops arrived, McDowell's army had to retreat back to D.C.
  • Battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri

    Battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri
    The Union army, led this time by General Lyon, attacked Confederate troops in Missouri but failed miserably when Lyon was killed and they had to flee.
  • Seven Days' Battle

    Seven Days' Battle
    General Lee and his army attacked the "Army of the Potomac" in a battle that lasted until July 1st.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This is known as the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. It was a Union victory, resulting in a defeat for General Lee and lead to the creation of the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia

    Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia
    Led by General Burnside, the Army of the Potomac is defeated once again by General Lee and the Confederate soldiers after they destroyed the city.
  • Emancipation Proclamation is Created

    Emancipation Proclamation is Created
    The Emancipation Proclamation was created by Abraham Lincoln and intended to abolish slavery. It was respected by the Union and hated by the Confederacy.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia

    Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia
    When "Stonewall Jackson" is killed in this battle, General Lee asks Jefferson Davis for permission to invade the North to take the war out of Virginia.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    During one of the bloodiest battles of the war, the Confederates were moving through York when the Union began to fire at them and sets fire to the bridge they are on.
  • Grant Becomes Lieutenant General

    Grant Becomes Lieutenant General
    At Abraham Lincoln's request, Ulysses S. Grant became lieutenant general of the Union army, so he was in command of all armies in the field that next day.
  • "March to the Sea"

    "March to the Sea"
    General Sherman's Army of Georgia begins their "March to the Sea" to fight for the Union.
  • "March to the Sea" Completion

    "March to the Sea" Completion
    Arriving in Savannah, Georgia, Sherman's troops take Fort McAllister and force all Confederate defenders to evacuate the city.
  • Battle of Nashville, Tennessee

    Battle of Nashville, Tennessee
    The Confederate Army under John Bell Hood is defeated and the threat to Tennessee ends.
  • Lincoln's 2nd Inauguration

    Lincoln's 2nd Inauguration
    Lincoln is elected for a second term as president and is inaugurated again on March 3, 1865.
  • Battle of Appomattox Courthouse

    Battle of Appomattox Courthouse
    General Lee's army attempted tp break through Union forces who were blocking their route and ended up discussing terms with Lieutenant General Grant.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    Lee signed a document of surrender to Grant and the Army of Northern Virginia is officially disbanded when they formally surrender.
  • Lincoln is Assassinated

    Lincoln is Assassinated
    Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Boothe, a member of the Confederacy and white supremacist, in Ford's Theatre. Boothe killed him because he was so against his anti-slavery views.
  • Davis is Captured

    Davis is Captured
    Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, was captured by the Union in Irwinville, Georgia.
  • Final Battle

    Final Battle
    The final battle of the Civil War took place in Palmito Ranch, Texas and it was a Confederate victory.
  • End of Civil War

    End of Civil War
    General Buckner agrees to the terms for surrender for the Army of the Trans-Mississippi and the American Civil War is officially over.