Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise preserved the balance between slave and free states in the senate.The differences between the North and South grew into sectionalism.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott was a slave and when his owner died he sued for freedom. The judges voted and there was popular sovereignty. He eventually became free even know he was not freed from the court.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Southerners and Northerners were against each other, the southerners wanted a strong law that require states to return fugitive runaways.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Douglas proposed to organize the region west of Missouri and Iowa as the territories of Nebraska and Kansas.
  • Electing Lincoln

    The election was between Lincoln and Douglas. Lincoln a Republican and Douglas a Democrat.The Southerners debated the question of secession.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    The Missourians traveled in armed groups known as the border ruffians. In 1856 a group of 800 slave supporters attacked Lawrence a strong hold of ani-slave settlers. The Southerners found a reason to support secession with the states of right.
  • Lincoln and Douglas Debate

    They challenged the Senator a series of debates.
  • Raid on Harpers Ferry

    John Brown an abolitionist lead a group of men including his sons to attack a storage unit of weapons to arm the slaves. He was killed and became a martyr.
  • Lincoln Inaugural address

    ;.Lincoln was not yet president and the Southern states had no right to secede from the union.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    The confederates made an attack on the Union fort. They made there attack before the Unions supplies arrived and they soon surrendered.