April 6th, 1862
The Confederates attacked Grant's forces by suprise in Southwest Tennessee. The Confederates were unable to hold their positions & the Union came out victorious. Both sides had major losses with about 23,000 casualties. -
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Fort Sumter
April 12 1861
Fort Sumter one of the two Forts that remained under federal control. When Lincoln attempted to resupply the Fort the Confederates demanded evacuation of the Fort in thought it was a trick. When evacuation was refused the Confederates opened fired at 4:30 a.m. This resaulted in 34 hours of fighting untill Anderson was forced to surrender. -
First Bull Run
July 21,1861
This battle was also known as the first Manassas.
Confederates won this battle, but they were too disorganized to use their advantages to pursue the Yankees. This outcome gave southerners a false hope that they could get a swift victory in this war. -
Hampton Roads
March 9th 1862
This was the CIvil Wars first battle between worships, which was caused by the Confederates effort to break the union blockade of the Southern ports. Viginia was successful in this battle that marked the end of the wooden navies and also thrilled the South's false hope that the Union blockade might be broken. The battle was indecisive but had a profound effect on morale that was produced in both regions. -
September 17th, 1862
Generals Lee & McClellan fought this battle near the Antietam creek in Sharpsburg, Maryland; this battle was the first to be fought on Northern soil. McClellan failed to use his larger amount of troops to successfully beat Lee's army. This battle was unconclusice, but was still the bloodiest day in American history. -
December 11th, 1862
This battle was a horrible defeat for the Union, and many people blamed Lincoln for pressuring Burunside. The Confederates were excited to win this battle and it restored morale for them. Lee would soon follow with success with his munerically superior Union force. -
April 30th, 1863
Chancellorsville is often condidered Lee's greatest victory in the Civil War. It was fought in the wilderness region of Virginia & was a great example of Lee's command partnership & his misuse of strategic initiative, Hooker lost 17,278 casualties to Lee's 12,826 including Jackson, and now Lee possessed the stratigic initiative to lead him to Gettysburg. -
Siege of Vicksbugh
Spring 1862
Vicksburgh was the only remaining point of defense of the Mississippi River. The Union tried to take the city by land from the North. Then Vicksburgh surrendered. -
September 19th, 1863
Ten Confederate generals were killed or injured in this battle & the voerall casualties were around 20,000. The Union also suffered somewhere near 16,000 casualties. In October General Grant took over the Union command in th region. Chickamauga was the costliest battle in the war. -
May 5th, 1864
This battle went for 2 days, but by nthe end of tond day both armies were at the same place they started, which caused the battle to be inconclusive.The Union army suffered 17,500 casualties, which is more than 7,00 more than the Confederate casualties. -
May 9th, 1864
Grant shifted his army in the heavy rain to look for weak points in the Confederate line, but his suprise attacked failed. The North had a very high casualties number. Grant then disengaged his army & ordered the soldiers to continue on toward Richmond. This battle was inconclusive. -
On July 1st one of the confederate divisions went to Gettysburgh in search of supplies. They found two union cavarlybrigades had come a day earlier. The expected Union counterattack but it never came. Lee was demoralized by the defeat at
Gettysburg & offered his resignation to Davis but was refused. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
September 2, 1864. Two sets of troops with the goal of destroying everything in their path.The war in Georgia burtal & destrictive, but it did what it was meant to do; to crush Southern morale. -
Siege of Petersburgh
June 9th, 1864
The Union army begins to seige of 2 cities, and continues to battle over the summer, The Southern railroads were destroyed but the Conderates were ill-fed adn fell under physical exhaustion. President Dacis finally said that the 2 cities could not be held. -
Lincoln's Assassination
April 14th, 1865
Lincoln was attending the performance of "Our American Cousin" when John Wilkes Booth snuck into his private box and shot him in the head. Lincoln was unable to be saved and died early the next morning, his assassination was the first of an American president & has had a major impact on the U.S. Following his death Andrew Johnson became president, the House of Representatives tried to impeasch him in 1868, but failed.