Period: to
Civil War
Proclamation of Blockade against Southern Ports
President Lincoln issues proclamation, preventing rural Southern states from the ability to be well supplied during the war. -
Army of Northern Virginia
Gen. Robert E. Lee assumes command replacing Johnston, leaving McClellan unimpressed. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln issues final Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in terrotories held by Confederates and encourage the enlistment of African-American soldiers. -
Union is now in control of mississipi after last Confederate stronghold surrenders to General Grant. Confederacy is effectively split into two. -
Chattanooga, Tennessee
General Rosecran of the Union Army is captured under the Confederates in Chattanooga, Tennessee due to a Confederate victory at Chickamauga. -
Gettysburg Address
Lincoln makes a two minute speech at a ceremony dedicating the Battlefield. -
Gen. Grant's Mistake
During an offensive against fortified rebels at Cold Harbour in Virginia Grant makes a huge mistake resulting in 7000 Union casualties. -
March to the Sea
After a decisive Union victory, Gen. Sherman being a march to the sea along with 62000 men. He reaches Savannah, offering Lincoln the town as a Christmas present, leaving behind a 300 mile path of destruction all the way from Atlanta. -
Thirteenth Amendment
U.S congress approces the thirteenth ammendment to abolish slavery. It is yet to be ratified. -
Burial of Lincoln
Lincoln is laid to rest in Oak Ridges Cemetary, where he suppossedly said to his wife Mary, "I could spend the rest of my life here."