
Civil War Battles Project

  • 1st Bull Run (Manassas)

    1st Bull Run (Manassas)
    Location- Manassas, VA
    Union Comander- Irvin McDowell Confederate Comander- P.G.T. Beauregard
    Union Soldiers- 28-35,000 Confederate Soldiers- 32-34,000
    Union Casualties- 2,896 Confederate Casualties- 1,982
    Battle Details: The battle was fought at Manassas, for no reason but it was where the nouth want to surprise the south. It started when the north surprised the south and ended up having bad executed and ended in a loss, when Thomas Jackson stood his ground, Col. Francis Bartow died.
  • Monitor vs. Virginia

    Monitor vs. Virginia
    Location: Hampton Road Name- Battle of the Ironclads
    Union Off.- John Worden Conf. Off.- Catesby Jones
    Union Sold.- 4 Warships Conf. Sold.- 1 Warship
    Union Casual.- 409 Conf.- 24
    The confederate ironclad ran into the cumberland. The Union ironclad Monitor arrived to do battle, initiated the first engagement of ironclads in history. The two ships fought each other to a standstill, but Virginia retired.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Location- Hardin County Other Name- Pittsburg Landing
    Union Officers- Ulysses S. Grant Confederate- Albert Johnston
    Union Sold.- 65,085 Conf. Sold,- 44,968
    Union Casual.- 13,047 Conf. Casual.- 10,699
    The conf. lost forts Henery and Donelson, so they needed staging area for an offensive attack. The conf. decided to attack but found that they were too thin to go forward. Although Gen, Beauregard attack the union but found that he lost to many men to keep going.
  • Seven Days

    Seven Days
    Location- Richmon, VA Name- Battle of Richmond
    Union Off- George McClellan Conf. Off.- Robert E. Lee
    Union Sold.- 104,100 Conf. Sold.- 92,000
    Union Casul.- 15,855 Conf. Casual.- 20,204
    The union fornd it important to take controll of the Richmond as it was an intial attack point for the confederate, in the middle of the war dispite major caulties the confederate drove the union out of richmond.
  • 2nd Bull Run

    2nd Bull Run
    Location- Prince William County Names- Brawner's Farm
    Union Off- John Pope Conf. Off.- Thomas Jackson
    Union Sold.- 62,000 Conf. Sold.- 50,000
    Union Casual.- 10,000 Conf. Casual.- 8,300
    It was an offensive compaign for the south, and the south drove the north back and won the war, the turning point was when the North's left flank was crushed, this was the turning point for the Northern Wirginia Campiagn.
  • Antienam

    Location- Sharpsburgh Names- Battle of Sharpsburg
    Union Off- George McClellan Conf. Off.- Robert E. Lee
    Union Sold.- 75,500 Conf. Sold.- 38,000
    Union Casual.- 12,401 Conf. Casual.- 10,316
    After pursuing the Confederate, McClellan attacked at a defencive position, and but altough have better numbers McClellan allowed Lee to attack him but then was able to destroy Lee's army, Joseph Mansfield and Israel Richardson were just few to die.
  • Fredricksburg

    Location- Spotsylvania Names- Marye's Heights
    Union Off- Ambrose Burnside Conf. Off.- Robert E. Lee
    Union Sold.- 100,007 Conf. Sold.- 72,497
    Union Casual.- 13,353 Conf. Casual.- 4,576
    Burnside, now in command of the Army of the Potomac, sent a corps to occupy the vicinity of Falmouth near Fredericksburg. The rest of the army soon followed. Lee reacted by entrenching his army on the heights behind the town. Union engineers then laid five pontoon bridges on fire, but still lost
  • Stone's River

    Stone's River
    Location- Rutherford Names- Murfreesboro
    Union Off- Wiliam Rosecrans Conf. Off.- Braxton Bragg
    Union Sold.- 41,400 Conf. Sold.- 35,000
    Union Casual.- 12,906 Conf. Casual.- 11,739
    William S. Rosecrans’s Union Army of the Cumberland followed Bragg from Kentucky to Nashville. Rosecrans left Nashville on to defeat Bragg’s army. The Confederates had driven the Union line back.and then ended up winning the war.
  • Chancellorsville

    Location- Spotsylvania Names- None
    Union Off- Joseph Hooker Conf. Off.- Thomas Jackson
    Union Sold.- 97,382 Conf. Sold.- 57,352
    Union Casual.- 14,000 Conf. Casual.- 10,000
    Hooker led his Corps on a campaign to turn the Cederate flanks and lead them into Chancellorsville. In the middle of the night the war was won by the north and Jackson was wounded and soon died afterwards.
  • Vicksburg

    Location- Warren County Names- None
    Union Off- Ulysses Grant Conf. Off.- John Pemberton
    Union Sold.- 77,000 Conf. Sold.- 33,000
    Union Casual.- 4,835 Conf. Casual.- 32,697
    When the confederate were out doing the union Grant decided to take Vicksburg. Due to the lack of supplies the confederate had to surrender. Vicksburg along with Gettysburg is known as the turning point of the war.
  • Gettysburg

    Location- Gettysburg Other Names- None
    Union Off- George Meade Conf Off- Robert E. Lee
    Union Sold.- 90,000 Conf Sold- 75,000
    Union Casual.- 30,100 Conf Casual- 27,000
    Gen Lee want to attack the union in an offensive position by having a suprise attack at Gettysburg. The north then surprisingly held their position and in the bloodiest battle won the battle and then forever named Gettysburg as the turning point of the war.
  • Chickamauga

    Location- Catoosa County Other Names- None
    Union Off- William Rosecrans Conf. Off- Braxton Bragg
    Union Sold.- 60,000 Conf. Sold.- 65,000
    Union Casual.- 16,170 Conf. Casual.- 18,454
    This war was fought here because after the battle of Gettysburg the union had one last offensive affiar in southeastern Tennesse. Coming off of great victorys the north continued their tyraid and won yet another must needed win in the civil war.
  • The Wilderness

    The Wilderness
    Location- Spotsylvania Other Names- None
    Union Off- Ulysses Grant Conf. Off- Robert E. Lee
    Union Sold.- 101,896 Conf. Sold.- 61,025
    Union Casual.- 17,666 Conf. Casual.- 11,125
    The Union tried to get out of the wilderness and attack the south later, but Lee sent corps to attack and created the wilderness battle. Soon after Lee attacked the union they recovered and it turned into a backa dn fourth battle that ended in tie.
  • Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse

    Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse
    Location- Sposylvinia County Other Names- None
    Union Off- Ulysses Grant Conf. Off- Robert Lee
    Union Sold.- 100,000 Conf. Sold.- 52,000
    Union Casual.- 18,399 Conf. Casual.- 13,421
    As the end of the wilderness battle, this battle raged on right after it. Gerneral Lee and Grant then went back and forth for another 13 days and then with 32,000 casualties was ended as the costliest battle on both sides.
  • Sherman's March

    Sherman's March
    Location- Many locations started in Georgia Other Names-
    Sherman's March to the sea was a desicive battle move that most people found to be the major reason the Union won the Civil War. Gen William Sherman lead the charge through major confederate lines and tring everything in thier power to break lines and weapondry tacticts, this lead to many deaths and some to innocent people.
  • Nashville

    Location- Nashville Other Names- None
    Union Off- George Thomas Conf. Off- John Hood
    Union Sold.- 55,000 Conf. Sold.- 30,000
    Union Casual.- 3,061 Conf. Casual.- 6,000
    After Shermands march Gen Hood Decided to attack the Conf. where they would have the advantage then grabbed victory when the conf. lost all communications.
  • Petersburg

    Location- Petersburg Other Names- Siege of Petersburg
    Union Off- Ulysses Grant Conf. Off- Robert Lee
    Union Sold.- 67-125,000 Conf. Sold.- 52,000
    Union Casual.- N/A Conf. Casual.- N/A
    The campaign was nine months of trench warfare in which Union forces commanded by Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant assaulted Petersburg unsuccessfully and then constructed trench lines that eventually extended over 30 miles from the eastern outskirts of Richmond, Virginia and ended up wining.
  • Appomattox Courthouse

    Appomattox Courthouse
    Location- Virginia Other Names- None
    Union Off- Ulysses Grant Conf. Off- Robert Lee
    Union Sold.- 100,000 Conf. Sold.- 28,000
    Union Casual.- 164 Conf. Casual.- 500
    The Union abandoned thier original spot of Richmond Virginia before then surrendering to the union ultamitly