Civil War Battles In Texas

  • Battle of Galveston

    Galveston harbor on the water is where this battle took place. The location had a lot of water because it was next to a river. Paul Hebert, Joseph Cook, John Magruder, and Thomas Green were some people involved. It was a Confederate victory and they remained in control of the area. This boosted the morality of the soldiers propelling them to do better.
  • Battle of Palmito Ranch

    At Palmito Ranch where Branson set up a confederate camp. It was fought on Texas soil so there are easy reinforcements. Theodore Barett and John Ford were involved. Confederate victory with 117 union deaths and a minor 6 confederate deaths. Last land battle of the Civil war ending the war.
  • Battle of Sabine Pass

    The Sabine Pass, In the border of Louisiana and Texas is where this battle took place. It was on Confederate soil for easy reinforcements. Lieutenant Dick Dowling, Union Navy, and Davis Guards were some people involved. It was a confederate victory. It boosted the morality of the soldiers.