Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter was Held at Charleston, South Carolina. The Commanders are Robert Anderson Or P.G.T Beaurgard. And the Confederate won. The Significance is that it was the First Battle Of the Civil War, and it was very eazy. -
1st Bull Run
The First Bull Run was held at July 21, 1861. The Commandes were General Robert Lee. The Confederate won. And the significance was that People who pack lunch and on the hill and wait. -
Sherman's March
They year they fought was Dec. 21. 1861. General P.G.T Beaurgard and William Sherman was the Commanders. Union won the Battle. And the significance was that fight into Abonding the Confedarcy. -
The year they fought was April 6-7 1862. The Commanders were Ulyses S., Grant, G. Albert. P.G.T Bearurgard. The Union won. The significance was that the Confedarcy drove the union camps with a threat. -
2nd Bull Run
The Year they fought was August 28-30 1862. The Commanders were John Pope, Stonewall Jackson, Robert Lee. The Union won. It proved to be the Battle in the Civil war. -
The year they fought was September 16-18 1862. The commanders were G. Gorege B. General Robert Lee. The Union won. The significance was that there were so many lifes that have been lost and there was so much blood. -
Th year that they fought was December 11th 1862. The Commanders were Robert E. Lee, Amerose E. Bumside. The Conderate won. The Sighnificance was thet This battle made people realize that the civil war was going to be long and very cosly. -
The year they fought was 1863. General Gran and Genreal Robert Lee was the Commanders. The Union won the battle. The significance was that it was a marjor turing point. -
The year they Fought was April 30th 1863, Joseph Hooker was the Commander. the Confederate Won the Battle. The Significance was that some many people had died. -
The year they fought was July 4 of The year 1866. John C. Pemberton was the Commander. The Union won the Battle. They reason why it was so important was because it was on of the Biggest wars. -
The year the Battle Fought was Aoril 9th 1865. Robert E. Lee and Union Gen was the Commanders. The union won the Battle. And the Significance was that it was the Last battle of the Civil war.