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Civil War Battles

  • First Battle of Bull run

    First Battle of Bull run
    On July 26,1861, Union Irvin McDowell's Army of 35,000 fought against P.G.T. Beauregard's army of 2,000 men in Virgina. There was a total of 4,750 deaths and the confederates won.
  • Monitor and Merrimack

    Monitor and Merrimack
    On March 9th, 1862, Franklin Buchanan and his crew aboard the aboard the Merrimack, fought against Confederate general, Catesby AP Roger Jones' crew on the CSS Virginia. There were no recorded deaths, and the was a draw. The ships were never used again.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    On April 6th and through 7th, Union general Don Carlos Buell's army of 62,000 men, went up against Confederate general's Albert Sidney Johnson's, and P.G.T. Beauregard's army of 45,000 men. There were 62,000 casualties. The Union won, although they were weakened
  • Second battle of Bull Run

    Second battle of Bull Run
    From August 28th, to August 30th, Union general John Pope's army of 9,000 troops went up against Confederate general Robert E. Lee's army of 9,000 troops . 112,000 Casualties. The confederates won, but they were going to be more careful with their troops in the future.
  • Gettysburg Day 1

    Gettysburg Day 1
    On July 1 1863, Union general George Mead's army of 3,000 troops went up against Confederate general Robert E. Lee's army of 60,00 troops in an unexpected encounter in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. There were 8,000 casualties on day 1. The Union won the first day, and the confederate general learned an important lesson. Always scope out your next position.
  • Gettysburg Day 2

    Gettysburg Day 2
    On July 2, 1863 Union General Gen. George Mead's army of 8,750 men went up against Confederate General Robert E. Lee army of 6,500 men.There were 15,250 casualties. The confederates won day 2. The Confederates after were going to be more cautious in unknown areas.
  • Gettysburg Day 3

    Gettysburg Day 3
    Gettysburg day 3 took place July,3 1863 with union general George Mead's and with his army of 8,000 troops and with confederate general George picket and his army of 7,000 troops. There were 8,000 casualties. The battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle in US history.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    Siege of of Vicksburg on July 4, 1863 with general Ulysses S. Grant with his 75,000 troops with the confederate general John C. Pemberton with his 34,000 troops The casualties are 37,532 union won and they control the Mississippi river.
  • Sherman's march to the sea

    Sherman's march to the sea
    Sherman's march to the sea started on November 15th 1864 , and ended On December 21, 1864.Union Generals Willian Tecumseh Sherman and Ulysess S. Grants' army of 60,000 troops went up against Confederate Generals William J. Hardee, and Joseph wheeler's army of 40,000 troops. The Union won and seized control of the sea.
  • Battle of Appomattox

    Battle of Appomattox
    On April 9th, 1865, Union general Philip Sheridan's army of 120,000 troops went up against Confederate general Robert E. Lee's army of 30,000. There were 700 casualties, and the Union won this battle. The Union and the Confederacy joined together, became one country, and slaves were free.