Fort Sumter
Union and confederacy
First battle
UnionGeneral -Anderson
Confederate General -Beaunegand
The Confederacy Won the Battle -
1st Bull Run
First battle
The Confederacy won
Union General-Truin McDowell
Confederate General-Joseph Johnston -
Battle Of Shiloh
One of the Bloodest battle of that time
Union Won!
Confederate General-Albert Johnston
Union General-Ulysses S.Grant -
2nd Bull Run
2nd Part of the Bull Run
The Confederacy WON!!
Union general-John Pole
Confederate General-Robert E.Lee -
Battle of Antetam
One the Bloodest Of that time
Union Won!
Union General-RichardSon
Confederate General-Anderson -
Battle of Fredericksburg
One of the Largest and Bloodest Battles
Conferaracy Won
Union General-Ambrose E. Burnside
Confedarate General-Robert E. Lee -
Battle of Chancellorsville
Was Robert Lee's Greatest Victory
The South haf lost one of its Greatest Strategic Minds
The Confedaracy WON!!
Union General-Major Joseph
Confedarate General-Robert Lee -
Battle of Vicksburg
The Union had attacked the Confedarate
The union Won
Confedarate General-John C. Pemberton
Union General-Ulysses S. Grant -
Was th e turning point of teh war
Confarate Won
Union General-Gearge Meade
Confedarate General-Robert E. Lee -
Sherman's March
Showed that the North was beating the South and the helped Licoln to his Relection
North WON
North-General Serman
South-General Lee -
General Lee had surrendered
North WON!!
Union General- Robert Lee
Confedarate General-Ulysses Grant