Civil War Battle Timeline

  • First Manassas

    First Manassas
    -Confederate Leader: P.G.T Beauregard
    -Confederate Casualties: 1,750
    -Union Leader: Irvin McDowell
    -Union Casualties: 3,000
    -Victor Outcome: Although the Confederacy had won this battle, their army wasn't organized enough to keep the pressure on the Union army. The Union was able to reach Washington by July 22 18.
    -Significance: This battle is significant because it is the first major battle of the Civil War, & the first war interaction between the Union and Confederate armies.
  • Second Manassas

    Second Manassas
    -Confederate Leader: Robert E. Lee & Stonewall Jackson
    -Confederate Casualties: 9,000
    -Union Leaders:John Pope & George McClellan
    -Union Casualties: 13,000
    -Victor Outcome: Confederate victory. Deciding battle in the Civil war and gave hope to the Confederates.
    Significance: The Confederate offense against the Union that was superior in numbers but was unorganized and inferior in leadership. This victory allowed for the opening of Confederate invasion of Maryland.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    -Confederate Leader: Albert Sidney Johnston & P.G.T Beauregard
    -Confederate Casualties: 10,000
    -Union Leader: Ulysses S.Grant
    -Union Casualties: 13,000
    Victor Outcome: The Union won this battle, but had a lot of casualties as well. The number of causalities from this battle is significantly higher than the First Manassas.

    Significance: Union soldiers drove the Confederates back and recaptured the Hornet's nest. This battle is significant because it was a major victory for the Union.
  • Battle of Seven Days

    Battle of Seven Days
    -Confederate Leaders: Robert E. Lee
    -Confederate Casualties: 20,000
    -Union Leader: George B. McClellan
    -Union Casualties: 15,500
    -Victor Outcome: A major confederate victory for Confederacy. Lee was able to protect Richmond, but had a large amount of casualties.
    Significance: General George B. McClellan’s Union forces were driven back and the Northern attempt to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, Va failed. McClellan was forced to retreat to Harrison's Landing.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    The Battle of Antietam
    -Confederate Leader: Robert E Lee
    -Confederate Casualties: 10,320
    -Union Leaders: George McClellan
    -Union Casualties: 12,400
    Victor Outcome:Union Victory very important to the course of Civil war. Bloodiest battle known in this war, vast casualties lost on both sides.
    Significance: Due to the Confederate Army retreating across the Potomac River, Abraham Lincoln saw this as an opportunity to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. Which allowed the freedom for slaves.
  • Vicksburg Campaign

    Vicksburg Campaign
    -Confederate Leader: John. C Pemberton
    -Confederate Casualties:32,300
    -Union Leader: Ulysses S. Grant
    -Union Casualties: 4,900
    -Victor Outcome: The Union won this battle in the Siege of Vicksburg, the Union army took the confederate powerhouse of Vicksburg and divided the Confederacy.
    -Significance: Major success on the behalf of the Union's campaign, turning point in the North in the war.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    -Confederate Leader: Robert E. Lee
    -Confederate Casualties: 28,000
    -Union Leader: George G. Meade
    -Union Casualties: 23,000
    -Victor Outcome: Union victory, the Confederacy was at a huge loss and the North was delighted with the victory.
    -Significance: Turned the outcome of the war in the Union's favor, foreign recognition of the Confederacy was no longer possible.
  • Sherman's March South

    Sherman's March South
    -Union Leaders: General T. Sherman
    -Total Number of Casualties: 3,100
    -Union Casualties: 2,100
    -Victor Outcome: it hurt the South and made it hard for the Confederate soldiers to fight effectively. Most likely hastened the end of the war.
    -Significance: The term "Total War" Came to the forefront. Sherman wanted to cause the Georgian population to abandon the Confederate cause.
  • Petersburg Campaign

    Petersburg Campaign
    -Confederate Leader: Robert E. Lee
    -Confederate Casualties: 3,200
    -Union Leader: Ulysses S. Grant
    -Union Casualties: 8,000
    Victor Outcome:Union acquired this victory by the Confederacy retreating and abandoning Petersburg and the Confederate capital.
    Significance: This lead to Lee's surrender at the Appomattox Court House.
  • Battle of Appomattox Court House

    Battle of Appomattox Court House
    -Confederate Leaders: Robert E. Lee
    -Confederate Casualties: 500
    -Union Leaders: Ulysses S. Grant
    -Union Casualties: 152
    -Victor Outcome: Union victory, led to the ending of the Civil War, and a very short battle.
    -Significance: The battle ended the Civil War, Lee surrenders.