
Scramble for Africa

  • British

    Great Britain desired a Cape-to-Cairo collection of colonies and almost succeeded through their control of Egypt, Sudan (Anglo-Egyptian Sudan), Uganda, Kenya (British East Africa), South Africa, and Zambia, Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), and Botswana. The British also controlled Nigeria and Ghana (Gold Coast).
  • Germany

    Now controls the rights to Namibia, Cameroon, Togo and, in East Africa, Tanganyika.
  • Revolts

    Revolts in Algeria, in the western Sudan, in Dahomey, by the Matabele (Ndebele) and Shona, in Ashantiland, in Sierra Leone, and in the Fulani Hausa states were eventually defeated.
  • King Leopold II and Belgium

    Belgium and King Leopold II controlled the Democratic Republic of Congo (Belgian Congo).
  • France

    France took much of western Africa, from Mauritania to Chad (French West Africa) and Gabon and the Republic of Congo (French Equatorial Africa).
  • France

    France takes Madagascar.
  • Portugal

    Portugal took Mozambique in the east and Angola in the west.
  • Germany

    Germans drive 50,000 of the Herero people of Namibia into the desert to die.
  • France

    The French gain control of Morocco.
  • Ethiopia

    Ethiopia is recognized as independent.